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AFFRE, DENYS AUGUSTE (1793-1848) Archbishop of Paris – 1840-48

# affredenysauguste

AGASSIZ, JEAN LOUIS (1807-73) Swiss-Born Biologist & Geologist

# agassizjeanlouis

AGNUS, FELIX (1839-1925) French-born Sculptor, Newspaper Publisher, and Soldier; Union Brevet Brigadier General of the American Civil War

# agnusfelix

AGUESSEAU, HENRI FRANCOIS D’ (1668-1751) Chancellor of France, three times from 1717-50

# aguesseauhenrifrancoisd

AIKEN, DAVID WYATT (1828-87) Confederate Army Officer during the American Civil War; U.S. Representative – South Carolina – 1877-87

# aikendavidwyatt

AKIN, WARREN, SR. (1811-77) Confederate Congressman – Georgia – 1864-65

# akinwarrensr

ALBERT (1819-1861) Prince Consort of the United Kingdom & Husband of Queen Victoria – 1840-61

# albert

ALBERT OF BRANDENBURG (1490-1545) German Cardinal & Elector; Archbishop of Mainz – 1514-45; Archbishop of Magdeburg – 1513-45

# albertofbrandenburg

ALBRIGHT, FONTAINE E. (1845-?) Prominent Attorney in Cairo & Murphysboro, Illinois

# albrightfontainee

ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY (1832-88) American Novelist & Poet

# alcottlouisamay

ALDEN, ALONZO (1834-1900) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# aldena

ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907) American Author & Editor

# aldrichtb

ALEMBERT, JEAN-BAPTISTE le ROND d’ (1717-83) French Mathematician, Physicist, Philosopher, and Music Theorist

# alembertjbler

ALEXANDER I (1777-1825) Emperor of Russia – 1801-25

# alexanderI

ALEXANDER II (1818-81) Emperor of Russia, King of Poland, and Grand Duke of Finland – 1855-81; Emancipated the Serfs in 1861; Sold Alaska to the United States in 1867; Assassinated in St. Petersburg on March 13, 1881

# alexanderII

ALEXANDER III (circa 1100-1181) Italian-Born Pope – 1159-81

# alexanderIIIds

ALEXANDER IV (circa 1185 or 1199-1261) Italian-born Pope – 1254-61

# alexanderIV

ALEXANDER VI (1431-1503) Spanish-born Pope – 1492-1503

# alexanderVI

ALEXANDER, ANDREW JONATHAN (1833-87) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Captain – 3rd U.S. Cavalry; Brevetted for Gallantry at the Cavalry Engagements at Ebenezer Church, Alabama and Columbus, Georgia

# alexanderaj

ALEXANDER, BARTON S. (1819-78) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# alexanderbs
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