Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE (1875-1950) American Writer
# burroughsedgarrice
Typed Letter Signed 1932 02 19
BUSCH, VALENTINE (1824-72) German-Born American Brewer; Principal in Valentin Busch Brewery, 1851-58, and Busch & Michael Brand Brewery, 1858-73, in Chicago, Illinois
# buschvalentine
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
BUSHNELL, DAVID (1740-1824/26) American Medical Doctor; Inventor of the Submarine
# bushnelldavid
Autograph Document Signed
BUSSEY, CYRUS (1833-1915) Union Brigadier General; Assistant Secretary of the Interior 1889-93
# busseycyrus
Signature & Rank
BUTLER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1818-93) Union Major General – Massachusetts; U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1867-75 & 1877-79; U.S. Presidential Candidate – Greenback Party - 1884
# butlerbenjaminfranklin
Document Signed 1854
Letter Signed 1861 04 26
Autograph Note Signed 1862 09 02
Document Signed 1862 05 21
Autograph Document Signed 1864 06 10
Signature & Rank 1864 12
Signature & Rank
Endorsement Signed 1869 03 14
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
BUTLER, CHESTER PIERCE (1798-1850) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1847-50
# butlercp
Signed Album Page as US Congressman
BUTLER, JAMES WANDESFORD, MARQUIS OF ORMONDE (1774-1838) Irish Nobleman & Politician; Member of Parliament – 1796-1820; Colonel in the 14th Dragoons, British Army & the Kilkenny Militia
# butlerjameswandesford
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
BUTLER, MATTHEW CALBRAITH (1836-1909) Confederate Major General – South Carolina; U.S. Senator – South Carolina – 1877-95; Major General in the U.S. Army – 1898-99
# butlermatthewcalbraith
Autograph Letter Signed 1889 08 27 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1889 08 27 pg2
BUTLER, SMEDLEY DARLINGTON (1881-1940) U.S. Marine Corps Major General; Served from the Spanish-American War through World War I; Twice awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor; Author of “War is a Racket”
# butlersmedleydarlington
Inscribed Signature 1935 06 20
BUTTERFIELD, DANIEL ADAMS (1831-1901) Union Major General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for gallantry at the Battle of Gaines’ Mill, Virginia - June 27, 1862
# butterfielddanieladams
Document Signed 1862 07 31 with Generals George Webb Morell & Fitz John Porter
Document Signed 1863 04 28 with Joseph Hooker
Autograph Letter Signed 1879 11 28 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1879 11 28 pg2
Autograph Letter Signed 1894
BUTTRICK, JOHN (1731-91) Major of Concord Militia during the Battle of Concord, April 19, 1775
# buttrickjohn
Autograph Document Signed 1777 02 11
BUXTON, HARVEY PARRIS (1834-?) Served in the 15th Illinois Cavalry & 30th Illinois Infantry during the American Civil War; Prominent attorney in Carlyle & Belleville, Illinois
# buxtonharveyparris
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
BUXTON, THOMAS FOWELL (1786-1845) English Abolitionist & Social Reformer; Member of Parliament – 1819-37
# buxtonthomasfowell
Inscribed Signature 1842 09 23
BYFORD, WILLIAM HEATH (1817-90) Prominent Physician in Chicago, Illinois; Professor at Rush Medical College & Chicago Medical College; Founded Woman’s Medical College of Chicago in 1879
# byfordwilliamheath
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
BYRD, RICHARD E. (1888-1957) American Aviator & Polar Explorer; Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient; U.S. Navy Rear Admiral
# byrdricharde
Typed Letter Signed 1933 04 01
BYRON, LORD GEORGE GORDON (1778-1824) English Romantic Poet – Most remembered for “Don Juan” & “Childe Harold's Pilgrimage”
# byronlordgeorgegordon
Autograph Letter Signed partial 1809 04 10
Autograph Letter Signed 1809 06 20
Autograph Letter Signed final page 1812 02 12
Autograph Letter Signed with initials 1813 06 19
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
CABELL, GEORGE CRAIGHEAD (1836-1906) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 18th Virginia Infantry; U.S. Congressman – Virginia - 1875-87
# cabellgeorgecraighead
Signature as US Congressman
CABELL, WILLIAM LEWIS (1827-1911) Confederate Brigadier General; Mayor of Dallas, Texas – 1874-79 & 1883-85
# cabellwilliamlewis
Signature from a typed letter
CABLE, HERMON W. - Founder of the Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company
# cablehermonw
Document Signed 1903 06 30
CADWALADER, GEORGE (1806-79) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War
# cadwaladergeorge
Signature & Rank