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3407 Items.  Showing Items 521 thru 540.
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BRUCE, ELI METCALFE (1828-66) Confederate Congressman – Kentucky – 1862-65

# bruceelimetcalfe

BRUCE, NIGEL (1895-1953) English Actor

# brucenigel

BRUSH, DANIEL HARMON (1813-90) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 18th Illinois Infantry

# brushdanielharmon

BRUSTER, OBEDIAH FINLEY (1824-99) Confederate Officer during the American Civil War

# brusterof

BRYAN, GOODE (1811-85) Confederate Brigadier General

# bryangoode

BRYAN, SILAS LILLARD (1822-80) Prominent Attorney & Judge in Salem, Illinois; Illinois State Senator – 1853-59; Father of William Jennings Bryan

# bryansilaslillard

BUCHANAN, FRANKLIN (1800-74) Confederate Admiral; Served in the U.S. Navy – 1815-61

# buchananfranklin

BUCHANAN, JAMES (1791-1868) Fifteenth U.S. President - 1857-61; U.S. Secretary of State – 1845-49; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1834-45; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1821-31

# buchananjames

BUCHANAN, ROBERT CHRISTIE (1811-78) Union Brevet Major General; Veteran of the Second Seminole & Mexican Wars

# buchananrobertchristie

BUCK, ADDISON PRENTISS (1836-1900) Union Officer - 6th Maine Volunteer Infantry

# buckaddisonprentiss

BUCK, CLAYTON DOUGLASS (1890-1965) Governor of Delaware – 1929-37; U.S. Senator – Delaware – 1943-49

# buckclaytondouglass

BUCK, HORATIO BARDWELL (1832-?) Union Assistant Surgeon, served in the Army of the Potomac from Chancellorsville and Gettysburg through the Mine Run Campaign; Physician in Springfield, Illinois after the Civil War

# buckhoratiobardwell

BUCK, PEARL SYDENSTRICKER (1892-1973) American Writer & Novelist

# buckpearlsydenstricker

BUCKINGHAM, CATHARINUS PUTNAM (1808-88) Union Brigadier General - Ohio

# buckinghamcatharinusputnam

BUCKINGHAM, WILLIAM ALFRED (1804-75) Governor of Connecticut – 1858-66; U.S. Senator – Connecticut – 1869-75

# buckinghamwilliamalfred

BUCKLAND, RALPH POMEROY (1812-92) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1865-69

# bucklandralphpomeroy

BUCKNER, SIMON BOLIVAR (1823-1914) Confederate Lieutenant General – Kentucky

# bucknersimonbolivar

BUEHLER, JOHN (1831-1903) German-Born Brewer, Merchant, Banker, and Insurance Executive in Chicago, Illinois; Elected to the Illinois State Senate – 1874; Director of the Huck’s Brewing Company – 1864-71

# buehlerjohn

BUELL, DON CARLOS (1818-98) Union Major General - Ohio

# buelldoncarlos

BUFORD, ABRAHAM, II (1820-84) Confederate Brigadier General - Kentucky

# bufordabrahamII
3407 Items.  Showing Items 521 thru 540.
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