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BOUDINOT, ELIAS CORNELIUS (1835-90) Confederate Officer – First Cherokee Cavalry; Confederate Congressman – Cherokee Nation – 1862-65; First Native American lawyer permitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court

# boudinoteliascornelius

BOUTON, EDWARD (1834-1921) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 59th U.S. Colored Infantry

# boutonedward

BOWEN, JAMES (1808-86) Union Brigadier General; President of Erie Railroad – 1841-43

# bowenjames

BOWEN, JOHN STEVENS (1830-63) Confederate Major General – Missouri

# bowenjohnstevens

BOWLLY, ALBERT A. (1898-1941) Mozambican-born South African/British Vocalist and Jazz Guitarist

# bowllyaa

BOYCE, WILLIAM WATERS (1818-90) Confederate Congressman – South Carolina – 1861-62; U.S. Representative – South Carolina - 1853-60

# boycewilliamwaters

BOYD, ISABELLA MARIA “BELLE” (1844-1900) Confederate Spy during the American Civil War

# boydbelle

BOYD, JOHN H. (1799-1868) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1857-59

# boydjh

BOYD, LINN (1800-59) Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives – 1851-55; U.S. Congressman – Kentucky – 1835-37 & 1839-55

# boydl

BOYINGTON, WILLIAM W. (1818-98) Prominent Architect in Chicago, Illinois; Mayor of Highland Park, Illinois

# boyingtonwilliamw

Designed dozens of buildings, large and small, in Chicago and across the Midwest, including the cities of Des Moines, Iowa; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Joliet, Peoria, and Springfield, Illinois, along with the fire-proof jail in Pike County, Pittsfield, Illinois 


BOYKIN, EDWARD MORTIMER (1820-91) Confederate Major – 7th South Carolina Cavalry; Post-war U.S. Marshal

# boykinedwardmortimer

BOYLE, JEREMIAH TILFORD (1818-71) Union Brigadier General; Appointed Military Governor of Kentucky by President Abraham Lincoln – May 1862

# boylejeremiahtilford

BOYNTON, HENRY VAN NESS (1835-1905) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Missionary Ridge, Tennessee – November 25, 1863; U.S. Army Brigadier General during the Spanish-American War

# boyntonhenryvanness

BRADFORD, AUGUSTUS WILLIAMSON (1806-81) Governor of Maryland – 1862-66

# bradfordaugustuswilliamson

BRADFORD, TAUL (1835-85) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 10th Alabama Infantry; U.S. Representative – Alabama – 1875-77

# bradfordtaul

BRADFORD, WILLIAM (1590-1657) English Puritan; A founder of Plymouth Colony, for which he served several terms as Governor – 1621-57

# bradfordw

BRADLEY, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1825-97) Confederate Officer – First Battalion Kentucky Cavalry; Confederate Congressman – Kentucky – 1864-65

# bradleybenjaminfranklin

BRADLEY, DAVID (1811-99) Early Settler & Manufacturer of Agricultural Implements in Chicago, Illinois; Designed and manufactured a steel moldboard plow, “The Garden City Clipper,” in the 1830s

# bradleydavid

BRADLEY, LUTHER PRENTICE (1822-1910) Union Brigadier General

# bradleylutherprentice

BRADLEY, OMAR N. (1893-1981) U.S. Army General; Served in World War II and became the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

# bradleyomarn
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