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BLACK, JOHN CHARLES (1839-1915) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1893-95

# blackjohncharles

BLACKBURN, JOSEPH CLAY STILES (1838-1918) Governor of the U.S. Panama Canal Zone - 1907-09; U.S. Senator – Kentucky; Confederate Lieutenant Colonel during the American Civil War

# blackburnjcs

BLACKWELL, ALICE STONE (1857-1950) American Feminist, Journalist & Human Rights Advocate

# blackwellalicestone



BLAINE, JAMES G. (1830-93) U.S. Secretary of State - 1881 & 1889-92; U.S. Congressman – Maine – 1863-76; U.S. Senator – Maine – 1876-81; U.S. Presidential Candidate – 1884

# blainejamesg

BLAIR, AUSTIN (1818-94) Governor of Michigan - 1861-65; U.S. Representative - Michigan - 1867-73

# blairaustin

BLAIR, CHARLES WHITE (1829-99) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 14th Kansas Cavalry

# blaircharleswhite

BLAIR, CHAUNCEY BUCKLEY (1810-91) President of the Merchants’ National Bank of Chicago, Illinois

# blairchaunceybuckley

BLAIR, FRANCIS PRESTON, JR. (1821-75) Union Major General – Missouri; U.S. Congressman – Missouri – 1857-62; U.S. Senator – Missouri – 1871-73; Democratic Candidate for Vice President - 1868

# blairfrancisprestonjr

BLAIR, HENRY WILLIAM (1834-1920) Union Lieutenant Colonel – 15th New Hampshire Infantry; U.S. Senator – New Hampshire – 1879-91; U.S. Representative – 1875-79 & 1893-95

# blairhenrywilliam

BLAIR, MONTGOMERY (1813-83) U.S. Postmaster General - 1861-64; Brother of Francis P. Blair, Jr.; Mayor of St. Louis – 1842-43; Counsel for Dred Scott before the U.S. Supreme Court

# blairmontgomery

BLAIR, WILLIAM (1818-99) Prominent Merchant in Chicago, Illinois; Director of the Merchants Bank of Chicago and the Chicago Gas and Coke Company

# blairwilliam

BLAKE, E. NELSON (1831-?) Prominent Merchant in Chicago, Illinois; Co-Owner of the Dake Bakery; Member of the University of Chicago Board of Trustees

# blakeenelson

BLAKE, GEORGE ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1810-84) Union Brevet Major General; Served in the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# blakegeorgealexanderhamilton

BLANCHARD, ALBERT GALLATIN (1810-91) Confederate Brigadier General

# blanchardalbertgallatin

BLANCHARD, JAMES HUMPHREY (1872-1954) Prominent Post-Bellum Resident of Greenwood, Mississippi

# blanchardjameshenry

BLANDING, JAMES DOUGLAS (1821-1906) Confederate Colonel – 9th South Carolina Infantry

# blandingjamesdouglas

BLANDING, JAMES DOUGLAS (1821-1906) Confederate Colonel – 9th South Carolina Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War; Mayor of Sumter, South Carolina

# blandingjamesdouglas

BLANEY, JAMES VAN ZANT (1820-1874) Union Surgeon & Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, during the American Civil War; Served on the staff of General Philip H. Sheridan at the Battle of Winchester; Noted physician in Chicago, Illinois

# blaneyjamesvanzant

BLATCHFORD, SAMUEL M. (1820-93) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1882-93

# blatchfordsamuelm

BLENKER, LOUIS (1812-63) Union Brigadier General – New York

# blenkerlouis
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