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BIDDLE, CHARLES JOHN (1819-73) Union Colonel – 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1861-63

# biddlecharlesjohn

BIDDLE, NICHOLAS (1786-1844) American Banker & Financier; President of the Second Bank of the United States – 1823-36

# biddlenicholas

BIDWELL, DANIEL DAVIDSON (1819-64) Union Brigadier General; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Cedar Creek – October 19, 1864

# bidwelldanieldavidson

BIERCE, AMBROSE G. (1842-1914?) Union Lieutenant – Indiana; American Author

# bierceambroseg

BIERSTADT, ALBERT (1830-1902) German-American Painter

# bierstadtalbert

BIGLER, WILLIAM (1814-80) Governor of Pennsylvania – 1852-55; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania – 1856-61; President of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad

# biglerw

BINGHAM, HENRY HARRISON (1841-1912) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional of Honor for action at the Battle of the Wilderness – May 6, 1864; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1879-1912

# binghamhenryharrison

BINGHAM, JOHN ARMOR (1815-1900) Assistant Judge Advocate General in the trial of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators; House Prosecutor in the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1855-63 & 1865-73

# binghamjohnarmor

BINGHAM, JUDSON DAVID (1831-1909) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel & Chief Quartermaster – Army of the Tennessee

# binghamjudsondavid

BINGHAM, KINSLEY S. (1808-61) Governor of Michigan – 1855-59; U.S. Senator – Michigan – 1859-61

# binghamks

BINGHAM, WILLIAM (1752-1804) Member of the Continental Congress; U.S. Senator – Pennsylvania - 1795-1801; Founder of the Bank of North America; President of the Philadelphia & Lancaster Turnpike Company

# binghamwilliam

BIRAGUE, RENE DE (1506-83) Italian-born French Cardinal and Chancellor

# biraguerenede

BIRGE, HENRY WARNER (1825-88) Union Brigadier General

# birgehenrywarner

BIRNEY, DAVID BELL (1825-64) Union Major General

# birneydavidbell

BIRNEY, WILLIAM (1819-1907) Union Brigadier & Brevet Major General

# birneywilliam

BIZET, GEORGES (1838-75) French Composer

# bizetg

BLACK, JAMES (1793-1872) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1843-47

# blackj

BLACK, JAMES A. (1793-1848) U.S. Army Lieutenant in the War of 1812; U.S. Congressman – South Carolina – 1843-48

# blackja

BLACK, JEREMIAH S. (1810-83) U.S. Attorney General - 1857-60; U.S. Secretary of State - 1860-61

# blackjs

BLACK, JOHN CHARLES (1839-1915) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1893-95

# blackjohncharles
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