Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
YORK, ZEBULON (1819-1900) Confederate Brigadier General
# yorkzebulon
YOUNG, BRIGHAM (1801-77) American Mormon Leader; First Governor of Utah Territory – 1850-58
# youngbrigham
Letter Signed 1847 01 25 partial
Letter Signed 1863 12 26
Document Signed 1872 07 09
Signed Card
Signed Card
Signed Card
Document Signed 1873 07 29 with Wife Mary Ann Young
YOUNG, EDWARD (1683-1765) English Poet, Philosopher, and Theologian
# youngedward
Autograph Letter Signed 1763 12 29 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1763 12 29 pg2
YOUNG, HENRY EDWARD (1831-1918) Confederate Officer, served on the staff of Robert E. Lee
# younghenryedward
YOUNG, JOHN S. Tennessee Secretary of State – 1839-47
# youngjohns
Autograph Document Signed 1840 02 18 with Governor James K Polk
Document Signed 1841 02 26 with Governor James Knox Polk
Document Signed 1841 05 07 with Governor James Knox Polk
YOUNG, JOSIAH T. (1831-1907) American Newspaper Editor & Politician; Iowa State Congressman – 1890-92; Served in the Eighth Iowa Infantry during the American Civil War
# youngjosiaht
Signed Card
YOUNG, PIERCE MANNING BUTLER (1836-96) Confederate Major General; Led a cavalry brigade under Wade Hampton and JEB Stuart in the Army of Northern Virginia; U.S. Representative – Georgia – 1868-75
# youngpiercemanningbutler
Signature & Rank
Franked Envelope as US Representative 1869 12 22
Signature as US Representative
YOUNG, SAMUEL BALDWIN MARKS (1840-1924) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry; U.S. Brigadier General of Volunteers during the Spanish-American & Philippine-American Wars
# youngsamuelbaldwinmarks
YOUNG, STARK (1881-1963) American Writer & Literary Critic
# youngstark
Typed Letter Signed 1935 10 01
YOUNG, THOMAS (1773-1829) British Physician & Polymath
# youngthomas
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
YOUNG,WILLIAM HUGH (1838-1901) Confederate Brigadier General
# youngwilliamhugh
Signature & Rankj
YULEE, DAVID LEVY (1810-76) Confederate Congressman - Florida; First Jewish U.S. Senator – Florida – 1845-51 & 1855-61; U.S. Representative – Florida – 1841-45
# yuleedavidlevy
Signature early as US Congressman
Signature as US Congressman
Signature as US Congressman
Signature as US Senator with others
Letter Signed 1865 08 21 as POW at Fort Pulaski
ZABRISKIE, JAMES CANNON (1804-83) Prominent Attorney in Sacramento & San Francisco, California
# zabriskiejamescannon
Autograph Letter Signed 1848 11 10
ZACHRY, CHARLES THORNTON (1828-1906) Confederate Brigadier General & Colonel – 27th Georgia Infantry
# zachrycharlesthornton
ZANE, ABRAHAM VANHOY, JR. (1850-1919) U.S. Navy Rear Admiral; Service in the Spanish-American War & World War I
# zaneabrahamvanhoy
Document Signed 1918 12 02
ZEILIN, JACOB (1806-80) Colonel Commandant of the United States Marine Corps – 1864-76; Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War
# zeilinjacob
Signature from a document
ZELTER, CARL FRIEDRICH (1758-1832) German Composer & Conductor
# zeltercarlfriedrich
Autograph Manuscript unsigned no date
ZEPPELIN, COUNT FERDINAND von (1838-1917) German General, later inventor of Zeppelin Rigid Airships
# zeppelinfgv
Autograph Manuscript Signed 1892 08 15
ZILCHER, HERMANN (1881-1948) German Composer, Pianist, and Conductor
# zilcherhermann
Autograph Musical Manuscript Signed no date
ZIMBALIST, EFREM, SR. (1889-1985) Russian-born Concert Violinist, Composer, and Conductor
# zimbalistefremsr
Autograph Letter Signed ny 03 19
Autograph Letter Signed ny 02 07