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BENJAMIN, SAMUEL NICHOLL (1839-86) U.S. Army Officer; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for Distinguished Service during the American Civil War

# benjaminsamuelnicholl

BENJAMIN, WALTER R. (1854-1943) American Rare Book & Autograph Dealer

# benjaminwr

BENNING, HENRY LEWIS (1814-75) Confederate Brigadier General - Georgia

# benninghenrylewis

BENSLEY, JOHN RUSSELL (1833-1900) Prominent Resident of Chicago, Illinois

# bensleyjr

BENTHAM, JEREMY (1747-1832) English Philosopher, Jurist, and Social Reformer, regarded as the founder of modern Utilitarianism

# benthamjeremy

BENTON, CHARLES S. (1810-82) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1843-47; Register of the U.S. Land Office at La Crosse, Wisconsin – 1856-61

# bentoncs

BENTON, JACOB (1814-92) U.S. Congressman - New Hampshire - 1867-71

# bentonj

BENTON, WILLIAM PLUMMER (1828-67) Union Brigadier General

# bentonwilliamplummer

BERDAN, HIRAM (1824-93) Union Brevet Major General; Colonel of the 1st U.S. Sharpshooters

# berdanhiram

BERESFORD, WILLIAM-CARR, VISCOUNT BERESFORD (1768-1854) British Army General, served with the Duke of Wellington in the Peninsular War; Governor of Jersey – 1821-54

# beresfordwilliamcarr

BERIA, LAVRENTY PAVLOVICH (1899-1953) Russian Politician; Head of the NKVD under Stalin

# berialavrentypavlovich

BERLIN, IRVING (1888-1989) Russian-born American Composer & Songwriter

# berlinirving

BERLINER, EMILE (1851-1929) German-American Inventor

# berlineremile

BERNARD, FRANCIS (1714-79) English Governor of the Massachusetts Colony - 1760-69

# bernardfrancis

BERNARD, THOMAS (1750-1818) English Social Reformer & Advocate for the Poor & Needy; Son of Sir Francis Bernard, British Colonial Governor of the Provinces of New Jersey & Massachusetts Bay

# bernardthomas

BERNHARDT, SARAH (1844-1923) French Stage Actress

# bernhardtsarah

BERRIAN, JAMES M. (1781-1856) U.S. Attorney General – 1829-31; U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1825-29 & 1845-52; Captain of the Georgia Hussars – War of 1812

# berrianjm

BERRY, HIRAM GREGORY (1824-63) Union Major General – Maine; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chancellorsville – May 3, 1863

# berryhiramgregory

BEVERIDGE, JOHN LOURIE (1824-1910) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Governor of Illinois – 1873-77; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1871-73

# beveridgejohnlourie

BIBB, SOPHIA LUCY ANN (1801-87) Confederate Nurse

# bibbsophialucyann
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