Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
WOLF, GEORGE (1777-1840) Governor of Pennsylvania – 1829-35; U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1824-29
# wolfgeorge
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
WOLL, ADRIAN (1795-1875) French Mexican General in the Army of Mexico during the Texas Revolution
# wolladrian
Autograph Document unsigned 1836 07 06 list of Mexican Officers captured at the Battle of San Jacinto
WOLLASTON, WILLIAM HYDE (1766-1828) English Chemist & Physicist, famous for discovering the chemical elements Palladium and Rhodium
# wollastonwilliamhyde
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
WOOD, BENJAMIN (1820-1900) U.S. Representative – New York - 1861-65 & 1881-83
# woodbenjamin
Document Signed circa 1861-63 with others
WOOD, FERNANDO (1812-81) Mayor of New York City – 1855-57 & 1860-61; U.S. Representative – New York – 1841-43, 1863-65, and 1867-81
# woodfernando
WOOD, JOHN TAYLOR (1830-1904) Confederate Army Colonel & Naval Officer
# woodjohntaylor
WOOD, STERLING ALEXANDER MARTIN (1823-91) Confederate Brigadier General - Alabama
# woodsterlingalexandermartin
Signature & Confederate Rank
WOOD, THOMAS JOHN (1823-1906) Union Major General - Kentucky; Veteran of the Mexican War
# woodthomasjohn
Document Signed 1863 10 18 *
Signature & Rank
* With Generals James A. Garfield, William S. Rosecrans, Gordon Granger
WOODBURY, DANIEL PHINEAS (1812-64) Union Brigadier General; Died of Yellow Fever during the American Civil War
# woodburydanielphineas
Signature & Rank
WOODFORD, STEWART LYNDON (1835-1913) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 103rd U.S. Colored Troops; Chief of Staff to Major General Quincy A. Gillmore; U.S. Representative – New York – 1873-74; Lieutenant Governor of New York – 1867-69
# woodfordstewartlyndon
WOODHULL, NATHANIEL (1722-76) Brigadier General of Militia during the American Revolutionary War; Served in the French & Indian War
# woodhullnathaniel
Autograph Document Signed 1774 03 13
WOODRUFF, GEORGE (1812-82) Merchant, Manufacturer, and Banker in Joliet, Illinois; Co-organizer and President of the First National Bank of Joliet
# woodruffgeorge
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
WOODRUFF, GILBERT (1817-1903) Mayor of Rockford, Illinois – 1873-75; President of the Rockford National Bank and the Forest City Insurance Company
# woodruffgilbert
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
WOODS, CHARLES ROBERT (1827-85) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 76th Ohio Infantry
# woodscharlesrobert
Signature with Rank
WOODS, WILLIAM BURNHAM (1824-95) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 76th Ohio Infantry; Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court – 1881-87
# woodswilliamburnham
Signature & Rank
WOOL, JOHN ELLIS (1784-1869) U.S. Army Major General; Veteran of the War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the American Civil War
# wooljohnellis
Signature & Rank
WOOLLEY, JOHN (1824-73) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 5th Indiana Cavalry; Served on the staff of Union Major General Lewis Wallace
# woolleyjohn
Signature & Rank
WOOLSEY, SARAH CHAUNCEY (1835-1905) American Children’s Author, wrote under the pen-name Susan Coolidge
# woolseysc
Autograph Letter Signed 1880 09 16 final page
Autograph Letter Signed 1886 01 22
Autograph Quotation Signed no date
WOOSTER, DAVID (1710-77) Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army; Died of wounds sustained in the Battle of Ridgefield, Connecticut; Namesake of Wooster, Ohio
# woosterdavid
Autograph Letter Signed 1775 06 15
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
WORDEN, JOHN LORIMER (1818-97) Union Navy Officer, later promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral; Commander of the USS “Monitor” in her clash with the CSS “Virginia” in the Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia – March 9, 1862
# wordenjohnlorimer