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WHITFIELD, ROBERT HENRY (1814-68) Confederate Congressman – Virginia - 1864-65

# whitfieldroberthenry

WHITING, WILLIAM HENRY CHASE (1824-65) Confederate Major General; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Fort Fisher, North Carolina, died March 10, 1865

# whitingwilliamhenrychase

WHITNEY, ELI (1765-1825) American Inventor of the Cotton Gin; Manufacturer of muskets for the United States Army

# whitneyeli

WHITTHORNE, WASHINGTON CURRAN (1825-91) Served in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1871-83 & 1887-91; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1886-87

# whitthornewashingtoncurran

WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF (1807-92) American Quaker Poet & Abolitionist

# whittierjohngreenleaf

WHITWORTH, CHARLES, VISCOUNT WHITWORTH (1752-1825) British Diplomat & Politician; Ambassador to Russia – 1788-1800; Ambassador to France – 1802-03; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland – 1813-17

# whitworthcharlesviscount

WICKHAM, WILLIAMS CARTER (1820-88) Confederate Brigadier General; Colonel of the 4th Virginia Cavalry; Confederate Congressman – 1864-65

# wickhamwilliamscarter

WIGFALL, LOUIS TREZEVANT (1816-74) Confederate Brigadier General; Confederate Senator – Texas – 1862-65; Confederate Representative – Texas – 1861-62; U.S. Representative – Texas – 1859-61

# wigfalllouistrezevant

WILBERFORCE, WILLIAM (1759-1833) English Politician & Abolitionist; Member of Parliament – 1780-1825

# wilberforcewilliam

WILBUR, CHARLES T. (1835-1909) Union Assistant Surgeon - 59th Ohio Infantry; Surgeon - 95th Ohio Infantry - during the American Civil War

# wilburcharlest

Organizing head of the “Experimental School for the Instruction and Training of Idiots and Feeble-Minded Children in the State of Illinois,” in Jacksonville – 1865 


WILCOX, CADMUS MARCELLUS (1824-90) Confederate Major General

# wilcoxcadmusmarcellus

WILD, EDWARD AUGUSTUS (1825-91) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 35th Massachusetts Infantry, later led “Wild’s African Brigade” of U.S. Colored Troops

# wildedwardaugustus

WILEY, DANIEL DAY (1837-93) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# wileydanielday

WILHELM I (1797-1888) King of Prussia – 1861-88; First Emperor of Germany – 1861-78

# wilhelmI

WILKES, CHARLES (1813-91) Union Commodore; Captured Confederate Commissioners James Mason and John Slidell aboard the British Steamer Trent on November 8, 1861; Antarctic Explorer

# wilkescharles

WILKES, PETER SINGLETON (1827-1900) Confederate Congressman – Missouri - 1864-65

# wilkespetersingleton

WILKIE, WENDELL L. (1892-1944) American Lawyer & Corporate Executive; Republican Candidate for U.S. President - 1940

# wilkiewendelll

WILLARD, GEORGE (1839-1909) Served in the 132nd Illinois Infantry during the American Civil War; Prominent Lawyer in Chicago, Illinois; Attorney for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company

# willardgeorge

WILLCOX, ORLANDO BOLIVAR (1823-1907) Union Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for gallantry at the Battle of First Bull Run; Veteran of the Mexican, Frontier, and Third Seminole Wars

# willcoxorlandowillcox

WILLEY, WAITMAN THOMAS (1811-1900) U.S. Senator – West Virginia – 1863-71; U.S. Senator – Virginia – 1861-63

# willeywaitmanthomas
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