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VINCENT, STRONG (1837-63) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 83rd Pennsylvania Infantry; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg – July 2, 1863

# vincentstrong

VINCENT, THOMAS McCURDY (1832-1909) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the antebellum Indian Wars

# vincentthomasmccurdy

*     With Generals Joseph Hooker, John Sedgwick
**   With Generals George G. Meade, Gouverneur K. Warren, James C. Rice, James S. Wadsworth  
***  With General Silas Casey

VINTON, DAVID HAMMOND (1803-73) Union Brevet Major General; Veteran of the Mexican, Creek, and Florida Seminole Wars

# vintondavidhammond

VINTON, FRANCIS LAURENS (1835-79) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 43rd New York Infantry

# vintonfrancislaurens

VOGDES, ISRAEL (1816-89) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Seminole Wars

# vogdesisrael

VOISENON, CLAUDE-HENRI de Fusée, abbé de (1708-75) French Playwright & Writer

# voisenonch

VOLCK, ADALBERT J. (1828-1912) Bavarian-Born Political Cartoonist & Caricaturist

# volckadalbert

VOLNEY, CONSTANTIN FRANCOIS de Chassebœuf, comte de (1757-1820) French Philosopher, Abolitionist, Writer, and Politician

# volneycf

VON STEINWEHR, ADOLPH WILHELM (1822-77) German-born Union General – New York; Namesake of a major highway through the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Battlefield

# vonsteinwehradolphwilhelm

VOORHEES, DANIEL WOLSEY (1827-97) U.S. Senator - Indiana - 1877-97; U.S. Representative – Indiana – 1861-66 & 1869-73

# voorheesdanielw

WADE, JAMES FRANKLIN (1843-1921) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 6th U.S. Colored Cavalry; Postbellum service commanding the 9th & 10th U.S. Cavalries, “Buffalo Soldiers”; U.S. Major General - Spanish-American War

# wadejamesfranklin

WADSWORTH, JAMES SAMUEL (1807-64) Union Major General – New York; Mortally wounded at the Battle of the Wilderness - May 6, 1864

# wadsworthjamessamuel

* With Generals George G. Meade, Gouverneur K. Warren, James C. Rice, Thomas M. Vincent

WADSWORTH, WILLIAM HENRY (1821-93) U.S. Representative - Kentucky – 1861-65 & 1885-87

# wadsworthwilliamhenry

WAGNER, GEORGE DAY (1829-69) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 15th Indiana Infantry

# wagnergeorgeday

WAGNER, RICHARD (1813-83) German Composer

# wagnerrichard

WAITE, MORRISON REMICK (1816-88) Chief Justice of the United States, Supreme Court – 1874-88 – Nominated by President Ulysses S. Grant

# waitemorrisonremick

WAKEFIELD, CYRENIUS (1815-85) Renowned Physician & Druggist in Bloomington, Illinois; Pioneer in the development of Prescription Medications

# wakefieldcyrenius

WALCUTT, CHARLES CARROLL (1838-98) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 46th Ohio Infantry; Mayor of Columbus, Ohio – 1883-87

# walcuttcharlescarroll

WALKE, HENRY A. (1809-96) Union Navy Officer, later promoted to Rear Admiral; Veteran of the Mexican War

# walkehenrya

WALKER, DUNCAN STEPHEN (1841-1912) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Staff officer to Generals Nathaniel P. Banks, William H. Emory, and Winfield Scott Hancock; Great-Great Grandson of Benjamin Franklin

# walkerduncanstephen
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