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TURCHIN, JOHN BASIL (1822-1901) Russian-born Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 19th Illinois Infantry; Veteran of the Crimean War & the Hungarian Revolution of 1848

# turchinjohnbasil

TURLEY, THOMAS BATTLE (1845-1910) Private in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1897-1901

# turleythomasbattle

TURNER, JOHN WESLEY (1833-99) Union Brigadier General; Staff officer to Generals David Hunter & Quincy A. Gillmore; Veteran of the Third Seminole War; Helped found Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri

# turnerjohnwesley

TURNER, JONATHAN BALDWIN (1805-99) Personal Friend of Abraham Lincoln; Instrumental in establishing Normal University in Bloomington, Illinois; Prominent Farmer & Educator in Jacksonville, Illinois

# turnerjonathanbaldwin

TURNER, JOSIAH, JR. (1821-1901) Confederate Officer – 2nd North Carolina Cavalry; Confederate Congressman – North Carolina – 1864-65

# turnerjosiahjr

TUTTLE, JAMES MADISON (1823-92) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 2nd Iowa Infantry

# tuttlejamesmadison

TWEED, WILLIAM MARCY “BOSS” (1823-78) American Politician; Mayor of New York City; U.S. Representative – New York – 1853-55

# tweedwilliammarcy

TWICHELL, JOSEPH H. (1838-1918) Union Chaplain, 71st New York State Volunteers, Excelsior Brigade

# twichelljosephh

TWIGGS, DAVID EMANUEL (1790-1862) Confederate Major General; U.S. Army Brevet Major General – Served from the War of 1812 through the Mexican & Seminole Indian Wars; Namesake of Twiggs County, Georgia

# twiggsdavidemanuel

TYLER, ASHER (1798-1875) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1843-45

# tylerasher

TYLER, DANIEL P., IV (1799-1882) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 1st Connecticut Infantry; Founded the town of Anniston, Alabama in the 1870s

# tylerdanielpVI

TYLER, ERASTUS BERNARD (1822-91) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 7th Ohio Infantry; Postmaster of Baltimore, Maryland after the American Civil War

# tylererastusbernard

TYLER, JOHN (1790-1862) Tenth U.S. President - 1841-45; U.S. Vice President – 1841; U.S. Senator – Virginia – 1827-36; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1816-21; Governor of Virginia – 1825-27; Confederate Congressman – Virginia - 1862

# tylerjohn

TYLER, JOHN, JR. (?-?) Son & Private Secretary of President John Tyler

# tylerjohnjr

TYLER, ROBERT CHARLES (1832-65) Confederate Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of West Point, Georgia – April 16, 1865

# tylerrobertcharles

TYLER, ROBERT OGDEN (1831-74) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 4th Connecticut Infantry; Veteran of the Yakima & Utah Wars

# tylerrobertogden

TYNDALE, HECTOR (1821-80) Union Brigadier General - Pennsylvania; Returned the body of John Brown for burial after his Execution

# tyndalehector

ULLMAN, DANIEL (1810-92) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 78th New York Infantry; Led the Corps d'Afrique in the Siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana

# ullmandaniel

UNDERWOOD, ADIN BALLOU (1828-88) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 33rd Massachusetts Infantry

# underwoodadinballou

UNDERWOOD, WILLIAM HENRY (1818-75) Prominent Judge & Attorney in Belleville, Illinois

# underwoodwilliamhenry
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