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TOWER, ZEALOUS BATES (1819-1900) Union Brigadier General; Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point – July-September, 1864; Veteran of the Mexican War

# towerzealousbates

TOWNSEND, EDWARD DAVIS (1817-93) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Adjutant General of the U.S. Army - 1869-80

# townsendedwarddavis

TOWNSHEND, RICHARD WELLINGTON (1840-89) Prominent Attorney in Shawneetown, Illinois; U.S. Representative – Illinois - 1877-89; Officer in the St. Louis & Southeastern Railroad Company and the Gallatin National Bank of Shawneetown

# townshendrichardwellington

TRACY, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1830-1915) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 109th New York Infantry, later of the 127th U.S. Colored Infantry; U.S. Navy Secretary – 1889-93

# tracybenjaminfranklin

Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of the Wilderness – May 6, 1864

TRACY, EDWARD DORR (1833-63) Confederate Brigadier General; Killled-in-Action at the Battle of Port Gibson, Mississippi - May 1, 1863

# tracyedwarddorr

TRACY, FRANK W. (1833-1903) Officer in the First National Bank of Springfield, Illinois

# tracyfrankw

TRAPIER, JAMES HEYWARD (1815-65) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina

# trapierjamesheyward

TRENHOLM, GEORGE ALFRED (1807-76) South Carolina Businessman, Politician, and Slaveholding Planter; Confederate Treasury Secretary – 1864-65

# trenholmga

TRIMBLE, ISAAC RIDGEWAY (1802-88) Confederate Major General

# trimbleisaacridgeway

TRIPLETT, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1809-94) Confederate Officer – 1st Kentucky Cavalry; Confederate Congressman – Kentucky – 1864-65

# triplettgeorgewashington

TROTSKY, LEON (1879-1940) Soviet Marxist Revolutionary

# trotskyl

TROWBRIDGE, THOMAS, 1st BARONET (1757-1807) British Royal Navy Officer, promoted to Rear Admiral in 1804; Veteran of the American Revolutionary, French Revolutionary, and Napoleonic Wars

# trowbridgethomas1stbaronet

TRUDEAU, JAMES DeBERTY (1817-87) Confederate Physician & Surgeon; Brigadier General of Louisiana Militia

# trudeaujamesdeberty

TRUMAN, ELIZABETH VIRGINIA “BESS” (1885-1982) U.S. First Lady – 1945-53; Wife of U.S. President Harry S. Truman

# trumanbess

TRUMAN, HARRY S. (1884-1972) Thirty-Third U.S. President - 1945-53; U.S. Vice President – 1945; U.S. Senator – Missouri – 1935-45

# trumanharrys

TRUMBULL, JOHN (1756-1843) American Artist, known as “The Painter of the Revolution”; Served as Second Aide-de-Camp to General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War

# trumbulljohn

TRUMBULL, JONATHAN (1710-85) Colonial & Revolutionary-Era Governor of Connecticut – 1769-84; Continental Army Paymaster General - 1778

# trumbulljonathan

TRUMBULL, LYMAN (1813-96) U.S. Senator - Illinois - 1855-73; Co-authored the Thirteenth Amendment – Prohibiting Slavery in the United States

# trumbulllyman

TRUTH, SOJOURNER (1797-1883) Black American Abolitionist

# truthsojourner

TUCKER, TILGHMAN MAYFIELD (1802-59) Governor of Mississippi – 1842-44; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1843-45

# tuckertilghmanmayfield
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