Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
TIBBATTS, JOHN WOOLESTON (1802-52) U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1843-47
# tibbattsjohnwooleston
Signature as US Representative
TIBBITS, WILLIAM BADGER (1837-80) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 21st New York Cavalry
# tibbitswilliambadger
Signature & Rank
TIFFANY, OTIS HENRY (1825-91) Prominent Clergyman in Chicago, Illinois
# tiffanyotishenry
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
TILDEN, DANIEL ROSE (1804-90) U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1843-47
# tildendanielrose
Signature as US Congressman
TILDEN, SAMUEL JONES (1814-86) Governor of New York – 1875-76; Democratic Candidate for U.S. President in the disputed election of 1876
# tildensamueljones
Document Signed 1866 02 01
Signature from a letter
TILGHMAN, LLOYD (1816-63) Confederate Brigadier General – Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Champion Hill, Mississippi – May 16, 1863
# tilghmanlloyd
Document Signed portion 1861 10 31
Autograph Letter Signed 1862 10 21 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1862 10 21 pg2
Signature from a letter
Signature & Rank
TILGHMAN, TENCH (1744-86) American Revolutionary War, Lieutenant Colonel in the Continental Army; Aide-de-Camp to General George Washington
# tilghmantench
Autograph Letter Signed to General George Washington
Document Signed 1781 05 01 with General George Washington
TILLEY, THOMAS (1834-1908) Union Soldier – 113th Illinois Infantry, the Third Board of Trade Regiment; Saw action at the Battles of Chickasaw Bayou & Arkansas Post; Renowned Chicago, Illinois architect after the Civil War
# tilleythomas
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
TILLSON, DAVIS (1830-95) Union Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 2nd Maine Battery, 1st Mounted Artillery
# tillsondavis
Signed CDV Photograph
Signature & Rank
TILTON, THEODORE (1835-1907) American Poet & Abolitionist Newspaper Editor
# tiltontheodore
Signed Card
TIROBOSCHI, GIROLAMO (1731-94) Italian Literary Critic
# tiroboschigirolamo
Autograph Letter Signed 1790 07 20
TODD, JOHN BLAIR SMITH (1814-72) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Dakota Territory – 1861-65; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars
# todjohnblairsmith
TOMPKINS, AMOS F. (1814-84) Prominent Attorney & Real Estate Speculator in Chicago, Illinois
# tompkinsamosf
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
TOMPKINS, CHARLES HENRY (1834-95) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor
# tompkinscharleshenry
Letter Signed 1863 05 22 (1)
Letter Signed 1863 05 22 (2)
Signature from a letter
TOMPKINS, DANIEL D. (1774-1825) U.S. Vice President - 1817-25; Governor of New York – 1807-17
# tompkinsdanield
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
TOOMBS, ROBERT A. (1810-85) Confederate Brigadier General – Georgia; Confederate Secretary of State; Member of the Provisional Confederate Congress; U.S. Congressman – Georgia – 1845-53; U.S. Senator – Georgia - 1853-61
# toombsrobert
Signature as US Senator with others
Autograph Letter Signed 1836 05 06
Signature as US Congressman
Signature from a letter
TORBERT, ALFRED THOMAS ARCHIMEDES (1833-80) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 1st New Jersey Infantry
# torbertalfredthomasarchimedes
Document Signed 1859 01 13
Document Signed 1859 01 13 portion
Autograph Letter Signed 1864 10 05 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1864 10 05 pg2
Document Signed 1864 10 05 with Philip H Sheridan
Signature & Rank
Signature & Rank
TORRENS, HENRY (1779-1828) British Army Major General
# torrenshenry
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
TOTTEN, JOSEPH GILBERT (1788-1864) U.S. Army Brigadier General; Veteran of the War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the American Civil War
# tottenjosephgilbert
Letter Signed 1861 08 28
Signature & Rank
TOUCEY, ISAAC (1792-1869) U.S. Navy Secretary – 1857-61; U.S. Senator – Connecticut – 1852-57; U.S. Attorney General – 1848-49; Governor of Connecticut – 1846-47; U.S. Representative – Connecticut - 1835-39
# touceyisaac
Signature affixed to an engraving
Franked Envelope
Signature 1857 03 07
Letter Signed 1858 06 16