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TAPPAN, JAMES CAMP (1825-1906) Confederate Brigadier General - Arkansas

# tappanjamescamp

TATGE, CONRAD (1827-97) German-Born Farmer & Government Official in Crete, Will County, Illinois

# tatgeconrad

TATTNALL, JOSIAH, III (1795-1871) Confederate Commodore

# tattnalljosiahIII

TAYLOR, EZRA (1819-85) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 1st Illinois Light Artillery; Served on the staff of General William Tecumseh Sherman

# taylorezra

TAYLOR, JOSEPH PANNELL (1796-1864) Union Brigadier General; Younger brother of U.S. President Zachary Taylor; Veteran of the War of 1812

# taylorjosephpannell

TAYLOR, MARGARET MACKALL (1788-1852) U.S. First Lady – 1849-50; Wife of President Zachary Taylor

# taylormargaretmackall

TAYLOR, NELSON (1821-94) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 72nd New York Infantry; U.S. Representative – New York – 1865-67; Veteran of the Mexican War

# taylornelson

TAYLOR, RICHARD (1826-79) Confederate Lieutenant General – Louisiana; Son of U.S. President Zachary Taylor

# taylorrichard

TAYLOR, SUSIE KING (1848-1912) First African-American Nurse during the American Civil War; Wrote & self-published her memoirs, “Reminiscences of My Life in Camp with the 33rd United States Colored Troops, Late 1st S.C. Volunteers”

# taylorsusieking

TAYLOR, THOMAS HART (1825-1901) Confederate Brigadier General

# taylorthomashart

TAYLOR, WALTER HERRON (1838-1916) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – Staff Officer to Confederate General Robert E. Lee

# taylorwalterherron

TAYLOR, ZACHARY (1784-1850) Twelfth U.S. President - 1849-50; U.S. Army Major General – Mexican War; Served in the War of 1812 & Second Seminole War

# taylorzachary

TENNEY, DANIEL KENT (1834-1915) Prominent Citizen & Attorney in Chicago, Illinois and Madison, Wisconsin; Namesake of Tenney Park in Madison

# tenneydanielkent

TENNYSON, ALFRED, LORD (1809-92) English Victorian Poet, known for “The Charge of the Light Brigade”

# tennysonalfredlord

TERRY, ALFRED HOWE (1827-90) Union Major General; Colonel of the 2nd Connecticut Infantry; Military Commander of the Dakota Territory – 1866-69 & 1872-86; Veteran of the postbellum western Indian Wars

# terryalfredhowe

* With Brevet Generals George Brown Dandy, Edward Worthington Smith

TERRY, HENRY DWIGHT (1812-69) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 5th Michigan Infantry

# terryhenrydwight

TERRY, WILLIAM (1824-88) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Virginia - 1871-73 & 1875-77

# terrywilliam

TERRY, WILLIAM RICHARD (1827-97) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia

# terrywilliamrichard

THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE (1811-63) English Novelist; Best Known for Vanity Fair

# thackeraywilliammakepeace

THATCHER, HENRY KNOX (1806-80) Union Navy Officer, promoted to Rear Admiral on July 25, 1866

# thatcherhenryknox
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