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BAYARD, GEORGE DASHIELL (1835-62) Union Brigadier General; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Fredericksburg – December 13,1862

# bayardgeorgedashiell

BAYARD, JAMES ASHETON, JR. (1799-1880) U.S. Senator – Delaware – 1851-64 & 1867-69

# bayardjamesashetonjr

BAYARD, PIERRE TERRAIL, CHEVALIER de (c. 1476-1524) French Knight at the transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

# bayardpierreterrail

BAYARD, RICHARD HENRY (1796-1868) U.S. Senator – Delaware – 1836-39; First Mayor of Wilmington, Delaware; Son of U.S. Senator James A. Bayard of Delaware

# bayardrichardhenry

BAYARD, THOMAS FRANCIS (1828-98) U.S. Secretary of State – 1885-89; U.S. Senator – Delaware – 1869-85

# bayardthomasfrancis

BAYLE, PIERRE (1647-1706) French Huguenot Philosopher, Author, and Lexicographer

# baylepierre

BAYLOR, GEORGE (1752-84) Colonel & Brevet Brigadier General in the Continental Army, American Revolutionary War; Aide-de-Camp to General George Washington

# baylorgeorge

BAYLOR, JOHN ROBERT (1822-94) Confederate Colonel; First Confederate Governor of Arizona Territory – 1861-62; Confederate Congressman – Texas – 1864-65

# baylorjohnrobert

BAYLY, THOMAS H. (1810-56) Brigadier General of Virginia Militia – 1837-42; U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1844-56

# baylythomash

BEACH, JAMES ALFRED (1839-88) Union Captain – 59th Illinois Infantry, heavily engaged at the Battles of Pea Ridge & Perryville; Prominent citizen and banker in Bunker Hill, Illinois after the American Civil War

# beachjamesalfred

BEAL, GEORGE LAFAYETTE (1825-96) Union Brigadier General - Maine

# bealgeorgelafayette

BEALL, WILLIAM NELSON RECTOR (1825-83) Confederate Brigadier General - Arkansas

# beallwilliamnelsonrector

BEARDSLEY, AUBREY (1872-98) English Illustrator and Author

# beardsleyaubrey

BEATLES, THE - English Rock Band

# beatles

BEATTY, JOHN (1828-1914) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 3rd Ohio Infantry; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1868-73

# beattyjohn

BEATTY, SAMUEL (1820-85) Union Brigadier General

# beattysamuel

BEAUREGARD, PIERRE GUSTAVE TOUTANT (1818-93) Confederate General; Commanded the Confederates who began the American Civil War with an artillery assault on Fort Sumter, South Carolina; Veteran of the Mexican War

# beauregardpgt

BEAVER, JAMES ADDAMS (1837-1914) Union Brigadier General, wounded four times during the American Civil War; Governor of Pennsylvania – 1887-91; Acting President of Pennsylvania State University – 1906-08

# beaverjamesaddams

BECKHAM, FONTAINE (1788-1859) Mayor of Harpers Ferry, Virginia – killed during John Brown’s raid on the U.S. Arsenal, October 17, 1859

# beckhamfontaine

BECKWITH, AMOS (1825-94) Union Brevet Major General; Staff Officer to General William Tecumseh Sherman

# beckwithamos
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