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STENGER, JOHN (1825-1911) German-Born Brewer in Naperville, Illinois

# 8914

STEPHENS, ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1812-83) Confederate Vice President; U.S. Congressman – Georgia – 1843-59 & 1873-82; Governor of Georgia – 1882-83

# stephensalexanderhamilton

* Unsteady, atypical early signature from a time of poor health.

STEPHENS, ISAAC INGALLS (1818-62) Union Major General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chantilly – September 1, 1862; First Governor of the Washington Territory – 1853-57; U.S. Representative – Washington Territory – 1857-61; Veteran of the Mexican War

# stephensisaacingalls

STEPHENS, WILLIAM HENRY (?-?) Confederate Colonel – 6th Tennessee Infantry

# stephenswilliamhenry

STETSON, LEMUEL (1804-68) U.S. Representative – New York – 1843-45

# stetsonlemuel

STEUART, GEORGE HUME (1828-1903) Confederate Brigadier General

# steuartgeorgehume

STEVENS, AARON FLETCHER (1819-87) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 13th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry; U.S. Representative – New Hampshire – 1867-71

# stevensaaronfletcher

STEVENS, CLEMENT HOFFMAN (1821-64) Confederate Brigadier General; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Peachtree Creek, during the Atlanta Campaign – July 20, 1864

# stevensclementhoffman

STEVENS, THADDEUS (1792-1868) U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1849-53 & 1859-68

# stevensthaddeus

STEVENS, THOMAS HOLDUP, JR. (1819-96) Union Navy Officer, later promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral

# stevensthomasholdupjr

STEVENS, WALTER HUSTED (1827-67) Confederate Brigadier General

# stevenswalterhusted

STEVENSON, CARTER LITTLEPAGE, JR. (1817-88) Confederate Major General

# stevensoncarterlittlepagejr

STEVENSON, JOHN DUNLAP (1821-97) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 7th Missouri Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War

# stevensonjohndunlap

STEVENSON, THOMAS GREELY (1836-64) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 24th Massachusetts Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Spotsylvania, Virginia – May 10, 1864

# stevensonthomasgreely

STEWART, ALEXANDER (ca 1739-1794 ) British Lieutenant Colonel during the American Revolutionary War; Major General in the British Army – 1790; British Member of Parliament – 1786-94

# stewartalexander

STEWART, ALEXANDER PETER (1821-1908) Confederate Lieutenant General - Tennessee

# stewartalexanderpeter

STEWART, ANDREW (1791-1872) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1821-29, 1831-35, and 1843-49

# stewartandrew

STEWART, CHARLES (1778-1869) Union Navy Officer, promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral; Veteran of the Barbary Wars & the War of 1812

# stewartcharles

STEWART, DONALD OGDEN (1894-1980) American Screenwriter & Actor

# stewartdonaldogden

STEWART, DUGALD (1753-1828) Scottish Philosopher & Mathematician

# stewartdugald
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