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SPINNER, FRANCIS ELIAS (1802-90) U.S. Treasurer - 1861-75; U.S. Congressman – New York – 1855-61

# spinnerfranciselias

SPINOLA, FRANCIS BARRETTO (1821-91) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – New York – 1887-91

# spinolafrancisspinola

SPRAGUE, JOHN WILSON (1817-93) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 63rd Ohio Infantry; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at Decatur, Georgia – July 22, 1864

# spraguejohnwilson

SPRAGUE, WILLIAM, IV (1830-1915) Governor of Rhode Island – 1860-63; U.S. Senator – Rhode Island – 1863-75

# spraguewilliamiv

SQUIRE, WATSON CARVOSSO (1838-1926) Union Officer – 7th Ohio Sharpshooters; Governor of Washington Territory – 1884-87; U.S. Senator – Washington – 1889-97

# squirewatsoncarvosso

ST. CLAIR, ARTHUR (1737-1818) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army; President of the Continental Congress – 1787; First Governor of the Northwest Territory – 1788-1802

# stclairarthur

ST. JOHN, ISAAC MUNROE (1827-80) Confederate Brigadier General

# stjohnisaacmunroe

STAGER, ANSON (1825-85) Union Brevet Brigadier General, head of the Military Telegraph Department during the American Civil War

# stageranson

STAGG, PETER (1836-84) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 1st Michigan Cavalry

# staggpeter

STAHEL, JULIUS H. (1825-1912) Hungarian-born Union Major General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 8th New York Infantry; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at Piedmont, Virginia – June 5, 1864; Veteran of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848

# staheljuliush

STALIN, JOSEPH (1878-1953) Georgian-Born Russian Revolutionary; Leader of the Soviet Union - 1927-53

# stalinjoseph

STANDISH, MYLES (c. 1584-1656) English Military Officer, hired as military adviser for Plymouth Colony; Commander of Plymouth Colony Militia – 1621-56

# standishmyles

STANLEY, DAVID SLOANE (1828-1902) Union Major General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee – November 30, 1864; Veteran of the western Indian Wars

# stanleydavidsloane

STANLEY, HENRY MORTON (1841-1904) Welch-American Journalist, Author, and Explorer - famous for his exploration of Central Africa and his search for missionary and explorer David Livingstone

# stanleyhenrymorton

Served in both the Union and Confederate Armies - along with the U.S. Navy - during the American Civil War

STANLEY, TIMOTHY ROBBINS (1810-74) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 18th Ohio Infantry

# stanleytimothyrobbins

STANNARD, GEORGE JERRISON (1820-86) Union Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 2nd Vermont Infantry; Colonel of the 9th Vermont Infantry

# stannardgeorgejerrison

STANTON, EDWIN McMASTERS (1814-69) U.S. Secretary of War – 1862-68; US. Attorney General – 1860-61

# stantonedwinmcmasters

STANTON, ELIZABETH CADY (1815-1902) American Social Reformer; Author, Lecturer & Early Suffrage Movement Leader

# stantonelizabethcady

STANTON, RICHARD HENRY (1812-91) U.S. Representative - Kentucky – 1849-55

# stantonrh

STAPLES, WALLER REDD (1826-97) Confederate Congressman – 1862-65; Served in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War

# stapleswallerredd
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