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SIMPSON, WILLIAM DUNLAP (1823-90) Confederate Congressman – South Carolina – 1863-65; Governor of South Carolina – 1879-80

# simpsonwilliamdunlap

SINCLAIR, UPTON BEALL, JR. (1878-1968) American Writer & Political Activist

# sinclairuptonbealljr

* Image courtesy and by permission of the Eugene V. Debs Museum, Terre Haute, Indiana.

SINCLAIR, WILLIAM (?-?) U.S. Navy Purser

# sinclairwilliam

SINGLETON, JAMES WASHINGTON (1811-92) U.S. Representative - Illinois – 1879-83; Illinois state legislator & prominent resident of Quincy, Illinois

# singletonjameswashington

SINGLETON, OTHO ROBARDS (1814-89) Confederate Congressman – Mississippi – 1861-65; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1853-55, 1857-61, and 1875-87

# singletonothorobards

SLAUGHTER, JAMES EDWIN (1827-1901) Confederate Brigadier General

# slaughterjamesedwin

SLEMMER, ADAM JACOBY (1828-68) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Seminole War

# slemmeradamjacoby

SLEMONS, WILLIAM FERGUSON (1830-1918) Confederate Colonel – 2nd Arkansas Cavalry; U.S. Representative – Arkansas - 1875-81

# slemonswilliamferguson

SLIDELL, JOHN (1793-1871) Confederate Diplomat – most remembered for the “Trent Affair”; U.S. Senator – Louisiana – 1853-61; U.S. Representative – Louisiana – 1843-45

# slidelljohn

SLOAN, JOHN BALES EARLE (1829-1906) Confederate Colonel – 4th South Carolina Infantry

# sloanjohnbalesearle

SLOCUM, HENRY WARNER, SR. (1827-94) Union Major General; Veteran of the Seminole War; U.S. Representative – New York – 1883-85

# slocumhenrywarnersr

SLOSSON, ENOS (1817-?) Businessman & Real Estate Speculator in Chicago, Illinois – 1850s-70s

# slossonenos

SLOUGH, JOHN POTTS (1829-67) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 1st Colorado Infantry; Chief Justice of the New Mexico Territorial Court – 1866-67; Assassinated on December 15, 1867

# sloughjohnpotts


# smithbrothers

Grandsons of the Inventors of Smith Brothers Cough Drops

SMITH, WILLIAM WALLACE II (1888-1955) President of Smith Brothers, Inc.
SMITH, ROBERT LANSING (1890-1962) Secretary of Smith Brothers, Inc.


SMITH, ALFRED EMANUEL (1873-1944) Governor of New York – 1919-20 & 1923-28; U.S. Presidential Candidate – Democratic Party – 1928, the first Roman Catholic to be nominated by a major Political Party

# smithalfredemanuel

SMITH, ANDREW JACKSON (1815-97) Union Major General; Colonel of the 2nd California Cavalry; Veteran of the Seminole, Mexican, and western Indian Wars; Appointed Postmaster of St. Louis, Missouri by President Grant in 1869

# smithandrewjackson

SMITH, BEVERLY, Mother of Punk-Rock Pioneer & Poet, Patti Smith

# smithbeverly

SMITH, CALEB BLOOD (1808-64) U.S. Interior Secretary – 1861-63; U.S. Representative – Indiana – 1843-49

# smithcalebblood

SMITH, CHARLES EMORY (1842-1908) American Journalist; U.S. Postmaster General – 1898-1902

# smithcharlesemory

SMITH, CHARLES FERGUSON (1807-62) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# smithcharlesferguson
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