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SHORTER, JOHN GILL (1818-72) Confederate Congressman - 1861; Governor of Alabama – 1861-63

# shorterjohngill

SHOUP, FRANCIS ASBURY (1834-96) Confederate Brigadier General

# shoupfrancisasbury

SHOUP, GEORGE LAIRD (1836-1904) Union Colonel – 3rd Colorado Cavalry; Governor of Idaho Territory – 1889-90; First Governor of Idaho – 1890; U.S. Senator – Idaho – 1890-1901

# shoupgeorgelaird

SIBLEY, HENRY HASTINGS (1811-91) Union Brigadier General; First Governor of Minnesota – 1858-60; U.S. Representative – Minnesota Territory – 1849-53; U.S. Representative – Wisconsin Territory – 1848-49; Veteran of the Dakota War of 1862

# sibleyhenryhastings

SIBLEY, HENRY HOPKINS (1816-86) Confederate Brigadier General

# sibleyhenryhopkins

SICKLES, DANIEL EDGAR (1819-1914) Union Major General; U.S. Congressman – New York – 1857-61 & 1893-95

# sicklesdanieledgar

SIDELL, WILLIAM HENRY (1810-73) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Staff officer to Generals William S. Rosecrans & Don Carlos Buell

# sidellwilliamhenry

SIGEL, FRANZ (1824-1902) German-born Union Major General

# sigelfranz

SIGFRIED, JOSHUA K. (1832-95) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 48th Pennsylvania Infantry

# sigfriedjoshuak

SILL, JOSHUA WOODROW (1831-62) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 33rd Ohio Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Stone’s River, Tennessee – December 31, 1862

# silljoshuawoodrow

SIMMONS, JAMES FOWLER (1795-1864) U.S. Senator – Rhode Island – 1841-47 & 1857-62

# simmonsjamesfowler

SIMMS, JAMES PHILLIP (1837-87) Confederate Brigadier General

# simmsjamesphillip

SIMMS, WILLIAM ELLIOTT (1822-98) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel of Kentucky Cavalry; Confederate Senator – Kentucky – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1859-61

# simmswilliamelliott

SIMONS, JAMES (1813-79) Confederate Brigadier General – 4th South Carolina Militia

# simonsjames

SIMONS, SAMUEL (1792-1847) U.S. Congressman – Connecticut – 1843-45; Director of the Housatonic Railroad

# simonssamuel

SIMONSON, JOHN SMITH (1796-1881) Union Brevet Brigadier General; U.S. Army Colonel – 3rd U.S. Cavalry; Veteran of the War of 1812 & the Mexican War

# simnonsonjohnsmith

SIMONTON, CHARLES HENRY (1829-1904) Confederate Colonel – 25th South Carolina Infantry

# simontoncharleshenry

SIMPSON, EDWARD (1824-88) Union Navy Officer, later promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral; Veteran of the Mexican War

# simpsonedward

SIMPSON, JAMES HERVEY (1813-83) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 4th New Jersey Infantry

# simpsonjameshervey

SIMPSON, MARCUS DE LAFAYETTE (1824-1909) Union Brevet Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# simpsonmarcusdelafayette
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