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SEWARD, WILLIAM HENRY (1801-72) U.S. Secretary of State - 1861-69; Governor of New York – 1839-42; U.S. Senator – New York – 1849-61

# sewardwilliamhenry

SEWARD, WILLIAM HENRY, JR. (1839-1920) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 9th New York Heavy Artillery; Youngest son of Civil War Secretary of State William Henry Seward

# sewardwilliamhenryjr

SEWELL, WILLIAM JOYCE (1835-1901) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Chancellorsville - May 3, 1863; U.S. Senator – New Jersey – 1881-87 & 1895-1901

# sewellwilliamjoyce

SEXTON, FRANKLIN BARLOW (1828-1900) Confederate Congressman – Texas – 1862-65

# sextonfranklinbarlow

SEYMOUR, HORATIO (1810-86) Governor of New York – 1853-54 & 1863-64; U.S. Presidential Candidate on the Democratic Ticket - 1868

# seymourhoratio

SEYMOUR, ORIGEN STORRS (1804-81) U.S. Representative – Connecticut – 1851-55; Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court – 1873-74

# seymourorigenstorrs

SEYMOUR, THOMAS HART (1807-68) Governor of Connecticut – 1850-53; U.S. Representative – Connecticut - 1843-45

# seymourthomashart

SEYMOUR, TRUMAN (1824-91) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & Third Seminole Wars

# seymourtruman

SEYMOUR-CONWAY, FRANCIS CHARLES, 3rd MARQUESS OF HERTFORD (1777-1842) British Politician & Art Collector; Member of Parliament – 1797-1818 & 1820-22

# seymourconwayfrancischarles

SHACKELFORD, JAMES MURRELL (1827-1907) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 25th Kentucky Union Infantry & the 8th Kentucky Union Cavalry

# shackelfordjamesmurrell

SHACKLETON, ERNEST HENRY (1874-1922) British Polar Explorer

# shackletonernesthenry

SHALER, ALEXANDER (1827-1911) Union Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 65th New York Infantry; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Second Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia - May 3, 1863

# shaleralexander

SHANKS, JOHN PETER CLEAVER (1826-1901) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 7th Indiana Cavalry; U.S. Representative – Indiana – 1861-63 & 1867-75

# shanksjuohnpetercleaver

SHARP, JACOB H. (1833-1907) Confederate Brigadier General; Mississippi State Congressman

# sharpjacobh

SHAW, JAMES (?-?) Irish-Born Methodist Episcopal Minister in Farmer City, Illinois

# shawjames

SHELBY, ISAAC (1750-1826) Governor of Kentucky – 1792-96 & 1812-16; Served in the American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812

# shelbyisaac

SHELBY, JOSEPH ORVILLE (1830-97) Confederate Brigadier General - Missouri

# shelbyjosephorville

SHELLEY, CHARLES MILLER (1833-1907) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Alabama – 1877-85

# shelleycharlesmiller

SHEPARD, WILLIAM HENRY (1836-88) Prominent Attorney in Cambridge, Illinois; Elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1872

# shepardwilliamhenry

SHEPHARD, WILLIAM (1816-75) English-Born Merchant, Banker & Railroad Executive in Grafton and Jerseyville, Illinois; Illinois State Senator – 1867-71

# shephardwilliam

Official in the Missouri Pacific Railroad, the Jacksonville, St. Louis & Chicago Railroad, and the Houston & Great Northern Railroad


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