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3407 Items.  Showing Items 261 thru 280.
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BART, JEAN (1650-1702) French Naval Commander & Privateer

# bartjean

BARTLETT, JOSEPH JACKSON (1834-93) Union Brigadier General - New York

# bartlettjosephjackson

BARTLETT, JOSIAH (1729-95) Signer of the Declaration of Independence & The Articles of Confederation; First Governor of New Hampshire - 1790-94

# bartlettjosiah

BARTLETT, THOMAS, JR. (1808–1876) U.S. Congressman - Vermont - 1851-53

# bartlettthjomasjr

BARTLETT, WILLIAM FRANCIS (1840-76) Union Brigadier General

# bartlettwilliamfrancis

BARTOK, BELA (1881-1945) Hungarian Composer & Pianist

# bartokbela

BARTON, CLARA (1821-1912) American Civil War Nurse; Founder of the Red Cross

# bartonc

BARTON, SETH MAXWELL (1829-1900) Confederate Brigadier General

# bartonsethmaxwell

BARTOW, FRANCIS STEBBINS (1816-61) Confederate Brigadier General of Georgia Militia; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of First Manassas – July 21, 1861

# bartowfrancisstebbins

BATCHELDER, RICHARD NAPOLEON (1832-1901) Union Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor

# batchelderrichardnapoleon

BATE, WILLIAM BRIMAGE (1826-1905) Confederate Major General; Governor of Tennessee – 1883-87; U.S. Senator – Tennessee – 1887-1905

# batewilliambrimage

BATES, EDWARD (1793-1869) U.S. Attorney General – 1861-64; U.S. Congressman – Missouri - 1827-29

# batesedward

BATES, JOHN COALTER (1842-1919) Union Captain & Brevet Major for service in the fall of Richmond; Veteran of the Indian Wars; U.S. Major General – Spanish-American War

# batesjohncoalter

BATHURST, HENRY, LORD BISHOP OF NORWICH (1744-1837) English Churchman; Bishop of Norwich – 1805-37

# bathursthenry

BATISTA, FULGENCIO (1901-73) President of Cuba - 1940-44; Cuban Dictator - 1952-59, overthrown by Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution

# batistafulgencio

BATSON, FELIX IVES (1819-71) Confederate Congressman – Arkansas – 1862-65

# batsonfelixives

BATTLE, CULLEN ANDREWS (1829-1905) Confederate Brigadier General - Alabama

# battlecullenandrews

BAUM, L. FRANK (1856-1919) American Author, best known for his Oz Series

# baumlfrank

BAXTER, DeWITT CLINTON (1829-81) American Artist & Engraver; Union Brevet Brigadier General of the American Civil War; Organized and led the 72nd Pennsylvania Volunteers, “Baxter’s Fire Zouaves”

# baxterdewittclinton

BAXTER, HENRY (1821-73) Union Brigadier General

# baxterhenry
3407 Items.  Showing Items 261 thru 280.
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