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SAUNDERS, ALVIN (1817-99) Governor of the Nebraska Territory – 1861-67; U.S. Senator – Nebraska – 1877-83

# saundersalvin

SAUNDERS, ROMULUS M. (1791-1867) U.S. Congressman – North Carolina – 1821-27 & 1841-45

# saundersromulusm

SAUNDERS-DUNDAS, ROBERT, 2nd VISCOUNT MELVILLE (1771-1851) British Statesman; First Lord of the Admiralty – 1812-30; Member of Parliament – 1794-1811

# saundersdundasrobert

SAUSSURE, HORACE BENEDICT DE (1740-99) Genevan Geologist, Physicist, and Meteorologist

# saussurehoracebenedictde

SAVAGE, CHARLES ALEXANDER (1814-?) Railroad Executive & Notable Resident of Quincy, Illinois; As General Manager of the Quincy & Toledo Railroad, transported supplies and troops for General Ulysses S. Grant and the Union Army during the Civil War

# savagecharlesalexander

SAVAGE, JOHN HOUSTON (1815-1904) Confederate Colonel – 16th Tennessee Infantry; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1849-53 & 1855-59

# savagejohnhouston

SAVAGE, MINOT JUDSON (1841-1918) American Unitarian Minister & Author

# savageminotjudson

SAWTELLE, CHARLES GREENE (1834-1913) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Staff Officer to Generals Edwin V. Sumner & Edward R.S. Canby

# sawtellecharlesgreene



SAWYER, FRANKLIN (1825-92) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 8th Ohio Infantry

# sawyerfranklin

SAXTON, RUFUS (1824-1908) Union Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for gallantry in the defense of Harpers Ferry, Virginia – May 26-30, 1862

# saxtonrufus

SAY, THOMAS (1787-1834) American Entomologist, Conchologist & Internationally Known Naturalist

# saythomas

SCALES, ALFRED MOORE (1827-92) Confederate Brigadier General; Governor of Alabama – 1885-89; U.S. Representative – Alabama – 1857-59 & 1875-84

# scalesalfredmoore

SCAMMON, ELIAKIM PARKER (1816-94) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 23rd Ohio Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# scammoneliakimparker

SCATES, WALTER BENNETT (1808-86) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Attorney General of the State of Illinois – 1836-37; Served as Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court – 1855; Collector of Customs for the Port of Chicago – 1866-69

# scateswalterbennett

SCHACHT, HJALMAR (1877-1970) German Economist & Banker; President of Adolf Hitler’s National Reichsbank, 1933-39, and Minister of Economics, 1934-37

# schachth

SCHENCK, JAMES FINDLAY (1807-82) Union Navy Officer, later promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral; Younger Brother of Union General Robert Cumming Schenck; Veteran of the Mexican War

# schenckjamesfindlay

SCHENCK, ROBERT CUMMING (1809-90) Union Major General; Older Brother of Union Navy Officer James Findlay Schenck; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1843-51 & 1863-71

# schenckrobertcumming

SCHIMMELFENNIG, ALEXANDER (1824-65) Prussian-born Union Brigadier General

# schimmelfennigalexander

SCHNEIDER, GEORGE (1823-1905) German-Born American Abolitionist Newspaperman in St. Louis, Missouri & Chicago, Illinois

# schneidergeorge

SCHOEPF, ALBIN FRANCISCO (1822-86) Polish-born Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848

# schoepfalbinfrancisco
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