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ROSS, LAWRENCE SULLIVAN (1838-98) Confederate Brigadier General; Governor of Texas – 1887-91

# rosslawrencesullivan

ROSS, LEONARD FULTON (1823-1901) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 17th Illinois Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War

# rossleonardfulton

ROSS, THOMAS (1806-65) U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1849-53

# rosst

ROSSER, THOMAS LAFAYETTE (1836-1910) Confederate Major General – Virginia; U.S. Army Brigadier General during the Spanish-American War

# rosserthomaslafayette

ROSSI, ANGELO JOSEPH (1878-1948) Mayor of San Francisco, California – 1931-44

# rossiangelojoseph

ROUSSEAU, LOVELL HARRISON (1818-69) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War; U.S. Representative – Kentucky – 1866-67

# rousseaulovellharrison

ROWAN, STEPHEN CLEGG (1808-90) Union Navy Officer, later promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral of the U.S. Navy; Veteran of the Mexican War

# rowanstephenclegg

ROWLEY, THOMAS ALGEO (1808-92) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 13th & 102nd Pennsylvania Infantries; Veteran of the Mexican War

# rowleythomasalgeo

ROYALS, WILLIAM (?-1863) Confederate Private - 6th Florida Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chickamauga – September 19, 1863

# royalswilliam

RUCKER, DANIEL HENRY (1812-1910) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & Indian Wars

# ruckerdanielhenry

RUFF, CHARLES FREDERICK (1818-85) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# ruffcharlesfrederick

RUFFIN, THOMAS (1787–1870) Confederate Colonel – 1st North Carolina Cavalry; Mortally wounded at Bristoe Station, Virginia – died October 18, 1863; U.S. Representative – North Carolina – 1853-61

# ruffinthomas

RUGER, THOMAS HOWARD (1833-1907) Union Major General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 3rd Wisconsin Infantry; Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy – 1871-76; Veteran of the Crow Indian War

# rugerthomashoward

RUGGLES, DANIEL (1810-97) Confederate Brigadier General

# rugglesdaniel

RUNKLE, BENJAMIN PIATT (1836-1916) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 45th Ohio Infantry

# runklebenjaminpiatt

RUSH, BENJAMIN (1746-1813) Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Member of the Continental Congress; Surgeon General in the Continental Army; American Physician, Politician & Anti-Slavery Advocate; Founder of Dickinson College

# rushbenjamin

RUSK, JEREMIAH McLAIN (1830-93) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 25th Wisconsin Infantry; U.S. Secretary of Agriculture – 1889-93; Governor of Wisconsin – 1882-89; U.S. Representative – Wisconsin – 1871-77

# ruskjeremiahmclain

RUSK, THOMAS JEFFERSON (1803-57) First Secretary of War of the Republic of Texas – 1836-37; General in the Texas Army at the Battle of San Jacinto; U.S. Senator – Texas – 1846-57

# ruskthomasjefferson

RUSLING, JAMES F. (1834-1918) Union Brevet Brigadier General – New Jersey; Union Lieutenant – 5th New Jersey Infantry; Staff Officer to Generals Joseph Carr & Daniel Sickles

# ruslingjamesf

RUSSELL, CHARLES WELLS (1818-67) Confederate Congressman – Virginia - 1861-65

# russellcharleswells
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