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ROHAN, HENRI II, DUKE OF (1579-1638) French Soldier, Writer, and Leader of the Huguenots

# rohanhenriII

ROHAN-GUEMENE, LOUIS RENE EDOUARD, CARDINAL de (1734-1802) French Bishop of Strasbourg, Politician, and Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church

# rohancardinalde

ROHM, ERNST (1887-1934) German Military Officer; Early Nazi Party member & friend of Adolf Hitler; Executed during the “Night of the Long Knives”

# rohmernst

ROLAND, JEAN-MARIE de la PLATIERE (1734-93) French Economist & Leader of the Girondist faction in the French Revolution; Husband of Marie-Jeanne "Manon" Roland de la Platière; Minister of the Interior during the reign of King Louis XVI – 1792

# rolandjeanmariedelaplatiere

ROLAND, MARIE-JEANNE PHLIPON, MADAME de (1754-93) French Revolutionary & Writer; Wife of economist Jean-Marie Roland de la Platière; Executed in Paris on November 8, 1793

# rolandmariejeannemadamede

ROLLIN, CHARLES (1661-1741) French Historian & Educator

# rollinc

ROMMEL, J. ERWIN (1891-1944) Nazi German General during World War II

# rommeljohanneserwin

ROOSEVELT ROBINSON, CORINNE (1861-1933) American Poet, Writer, and Lecturer; Younger sister of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt

# rooseveltcorinne

ROOSEVELT, ANNA ELEANOR (1884-1962) U.S. First Lady - 1933-1945; Wife of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

# rooseveltannaeleanor

ROOSEVELT, EDITH KERMIT (1861-1948) U.S. First Lady – 1901-09; Second wife of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt

# rooseveltedithkermit

ROOSEVELT, FRANKLIN DELANO (1886-1945) 32nd U.S. President - 1933-45; Governor of New York – 1929-32; Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy – 1913-20

# rooseveltfranklindelano

ROOSEVELT, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1843-1907) Union Brevet Captain – 26th Pennsylvania Infantry; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania – July 2, 1863

# rooseveltgeorgewashington

ROOSEVELT, KERMIT (1889-1943) American Businessman, Soldier, Explorer & Writer; Son of President Theodore Roosevelt

# rooseveltkermit

ROOSEVELT, THEODORE (1858-1919) Twenty-Sixth U.S. President – 1901-09; U.S. Vice President – 1901; Governor of New York – 1899-1900; Colonel of the Rough Riders - Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for the Battle of San Juan Hill, July 1, 1898

# roosevelttheodore

ROOT, ELIHU (1845-1937) U.S. Secretary of War – 1899-1904: U.S. Secretary of State – 1905-09; U.S. Senator – New York – 1909-15; Received the Nobel Peace Prize - 1912

# rootelihu

RORTY, JAMES McKAY (ca1837-63) Union Captain in the American Civil War; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Gettysburg – July 2, 1863

# rortyjm

ROSCOE, WILLIAM (1753-1831) British Abolitionist, Banker, and Lawyer; Member of Parliament – 1806-07

# roscoewilliam

ROSECRANS, WILLIAM STARKE (1819-98) Union Major General – Ohio; Commanded the Union Army of the Cumberland from Stone’s River to Chickamauga; U.S. Congressman – California – 1881-85

# rosecranswilliamstarke

ROSELLINI, ALBERT DEAN (1910-2011) Governor of Washington – 1957-65

# rosellinialbertdean

ROSS, JOSEPH PRESLEY (1828-90) Prominent Chicago, Illinois Physician; Attending Surgeon at Camp Douglas during the American Civil War

# rossjosephpresley
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