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RATHBONE, HENRY R. (1837-1911) Union Major - present in the president’s box at Ford’s Theater at the assassination of Abraham Lincoln

# rathbonehenryr

RATHBUN, GEORGE O. (1803-70) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1843-47

# rathbungeorgeo

RAUCH, JOHN HENRY (?-1894) Union Surgeon & Brevet Lieutenant Colonel

# rauchjohnhenry

RAUM, GREEN BERRY (1829-1909) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 56th Illinois Infantry; U.S. Representative – Illinois - 1867-69

# raumgreenberry

RAWLINS, JOHN AARON (1831-69) Union Brigadier General; Close friend, confidant, and staff officer to General Ulysses S. Grant; U.S. Secretary of War - 1869

# rawlinsjohnaaron

RAYMOND, BENJAMIN WRIGHT (1801-83) Mayor of Chicago, Illinois – 1839-40 & 1842-43; President of the Fox River Railroad; Instrumental in the development of Lake Forest University and the city of Lake Forest, Illinois

# raymondbenjaminwright

Co-founded the Elgin Watch Company in 1866; Namesake of the company’s first model, the “B.W. Raymond”

READ, GEORGE (1733-98) Signer of the Declaration of Independence - Delaware

# readgeorge

READ, HENRY ENGLISH (1824-68) Confederate Congressman – Kentucky – 1862-65

# readhenryenglish

READE, EDWIN GODWIN (1812-94) Confederate Senator – North Carolina - 1864

# readeedwingodwin

READING, EDGAR (1827-93) Physician & Surgeon in Chicago, Illinois; Professor of Physiology at Bennett Medical College; A founder of Lake Forest, Illinois

# readingedgar

REAGAN, JOHN HENNINGER (1818-1905) Confederate Postmaster General – 1861-65; Acting Confederate Treasury Secretary – 1865; U.S. Representative – Texas – 1857-61 & 1875-87; U.S. Senator – Texas – 1887-91

# reaganjohnhenninger

REAM, JOSEPH (1830-1901) Union Lieutenant – 106th Illinois Infantry – 1862-65; Resident and prominent citizen of Mount Pulaski, Illinois

# reamjoseph

REDFIELD, WILLIAM COX (1858-1932) U.S. Secretary of Commerce – 1913-19; U.S. Representative – New York – 1911-13

# redfieldwilliamcox

REED, CHARLES HARVEY (1834-?) Renowned Attorney in Rock Island & Chicago, Illinois; Elected State’s Attorney for Chicago – 1864

# reedch

REED, ROBERT RENTOUL (1807-64) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1849-51

# reedrr

REEDER, ANDREW HORATIO (1807-64) First Governor of the Kansas Territory – 1854-55

# reederandrewhoratio

REEVE, ISAAC VAN DUZEN (1813-90) Union Brevet Brigadier General; U.S. Army Colonel – 13th U.S. Infantry

# reeveisaacvanduzen

REID, HUGH THOMPSON (1811-74) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 15th Iowa Infantry; President of the Des Moines Valley Railroad

# reidhughthompson

REID, WHITELAW (1837-1912) American Politician & Newspaperman; Editor of the New York Tribune – 1872-1912

# reidwhitelaw

REILLY, JAMES WILLIAM (1828-1905) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 104th Ohio Infantry

# reillyjameswilliam
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