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BARNEY, ALBERT MILTON (1837-86) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 142nd New York Infantry

# barneyalbertmilton

BARNEY, CHARLES D. (1844-1945) American Stockbroker; Founder of Charles D. Barney & Company, a predecessor of Smith Barney

# barneycharlesd

BARNUM, HENRY ALANSON (1833-92) Union Brigadier General; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor

# barnumhenryalanson

BARNUM, PHINEAS T. (1810-91) American Showman & Businessman; Founder of Barnum & Bailey Circus; Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut – 1875-76

# barnumphineast

BARR, THOMAS J. (1812-81) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1859-61; New York City Police Commissioner – 1870-73

# barrtj

BARRET, JOHN R. (1825-1903) U.S. Congressman – Missouri – 1859-61

# barretjr

BARRIE, JAMES MATTHEW (1860-1937) Scottish Novelist and Playwright; Creator of Peter Pan

# barriejamesmatthew

BARRIGER, JOHN WALKER (1832-1906) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# barrigerjohnwalker

BARRINGER, DANIEL M. (1806-73) U.S. Congressman – North Carolina – 1843-49; Member of the Committee on Indian Affairs – 1847-49; Delegate to the 1861 Peace Convention

# barringerdanielm

BARRINGTON, WILLIAM (1717-93) British Politician; Chancellor of the Exchequer - 1761-62; Member of Parliament – 1740-78

# barringtonwilliam

BARRON, JAMES (1768-1851) Commodore in the United States Navy; Served in the Quasi-War and the Barbary Wars

# barronjames

BARROW, CLYDE (1909-34) American Bank Robber & Criminal, partner of Bonnie Parker

# barrowclyde

BARRY, HENRY W. (1840-75) Union Brevet Major General; Union Colonel – 8th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery; U.S. Congressman – Mississippi – 1870-75

# barryhenryw

BARRY, JOHN (1745-1803) American Revolutionary War, Captain in the Continental Navy; Appointed U.S. Navy Commodore by President George Washington in 1797

# barryjohn

BARRY, MARIE JEANNE, MADAME DU (1743-93) Official Mistress of Louis XV of France; Executed in Paris during the Reign of Terror

# barrymariejeanne

BARRY, WILLIAM FARQUHAR (1818-79) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# barrywilliamfarquhar

BARRY, WILLIAM T. (1784-1835) U.S. Postmaster General – 1829-35; U.S. Senator – Kentucky - 1814-16

# barrywilliamt

BARRY, WILLIAM TAYLOR SULLIVAN (1821-68) Confederate Colonel – 35th Mississippi Infantry; Confederate Congressman – Mississippi – 1861-62; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1853-55

# barrywilliamtaylorsullivan

BARSTOW, SIMON FORRESTER (1817-82) Union Officer, served on the staffs of Generals Frederick W. Lander, Irvin McDowell, Joseph Hooker, and George G. Meade

# barstowsimonforrester

BARSTOW, WILSON, JR. (1831-69) Union Brevet Brigadier General – 37th New York Infantry

# barstowwilsonjr
3407 Items.  Showing Items 241 thru 260.
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