Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
POWELL, LAZARUS WHITEHEAD (1812-67) Governor of Kentucky – 1851-55; U.S. Senator – Kentucky – 1859-65
# powelllazaruswhitehead
Document Signed circa 1861-63 with others
POWELL, WILLIAM HENRY (1825-1904) Welsh-born Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 2nd West Virginia Cavalry; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for heroism at Sinking Creek, Virginia
# powellwilliamhenry
Autograph Letter Signed 1864 11 03
Signature & Rank
POWER, JOHN CARROLL (1819-94) First Custodian of the tomb of Abraham Lincoln, prevented the attempt to steal the body of the sixteenth president in 1876; Prominent Resident & Writer in Springfield, Illinois
# powerjohncarroll
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
POWERS, HIRAM (1805-73) American Neoclassical Sculptor
# powershiram
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
PRATT, CALVIN EDWARD (1828-96) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 31st New York Infantry
# prattcalvinedward
Signature & Rank
PRATT, JOHN JEFFERIES, 1st MARQUESS CAMDEN (1759-1840) British Politician; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland – 1795-98; Secretary of State for War and the Colonies – 1804-05; Member of Parliament – 1780-94
# prattjohnjefferies
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
PREBLE, EDWARD (1761-1807) Served in the American Revolutionary War; U.S. Navy Commodore – First Barbary War
# prebleedward
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
PREBLE, GEORGE HENRY (1816-85) U.S. Navy Rear Admiral; Veteran of the Second Seminole, Mexican, and American Civil Wars
# preblegeorgehenry
Signature & Rank
Signature & Rank
PRENTISS, BENJAMIN MAYBERRY (1819-1901) Union Major General – Illinois; Most remembered for his gallant defense of the Hornet's Nest at Shiloh
# prentissbenjaminmayberry
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 06 03
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 06 07
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 07 11
Signature with Rank from a document
Signature & Rank
Signature & Rank
Signature & Rank
PRESCOTT, WILLIAM HICKLING (1796-1859) American Scientific Historian & Author; Grandson of Revolutionary War Officer William Prescott, Commander of a Regiment of Minute-Men
# prescottwilliamhickling
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
PRESTON, JOHN SMITH (1809-81) Confederate Brigadier General
# prestonjohnsmith
Signature & Rank
PRESTON, WILLIAM (1816-87) Confederate Brigadier General – Kentucky
# prestonwilliam
Autograph Letter Signed conclusion 1860 08 17
Signature & Rank 1862 11 16
Endorsement Signed
Autograph Letter Signed 1863 06 25
Signature & Rank
PRESTON, WILLIAM BALLARD (1805-62) Confederate Congressman – Virginia; U.S. Navy Secretary – 1849-50; U.S. Congressman – 1847-49
# prestonwilliamballard
Document Signed 1850 05 08 with President Zachary Taylor
Signature from a letter
PRESTON, WILLIAM CAMPBELL (1794-1860) U.S. Senator – South Carolina – 1833-42
# prestonwilliamcampbell
Autograph Letter Signed no date
PRICE, STERLING (1809-67) Confederate Major General; Governor of Missouri – 1853-57; U.S. Representative – Missouri – 1845-46; Veteran of the Mexican & Missouri Mormon Wars
# pricesterling
Autograph Letter Signed 1842 03 22
Document Signed portion 1856 10 27
Autograph Letter Signed 1860 04 02
Signature & Civil War Confederate Rank
PRICE, WILLIAM REDWOOD (1836-81) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Officer in the 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry
# pricewilliamredwood
Signature from a document
PRIDEMORE, AUBURN LORENZO (1837-1900) Confederate Colonel – 64th Virginia Infantry; U.S. Representative – 1877-79
# pridemoreauburnlorenzo
PRINCE, HENRY (1811-92) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars
# princehenry
Signature & Rank
PROCTOR, REDFIELD (1831-1908) U.S. Secretary of War – 1889-91; Governor of Vermont – 1878-80; U.S. Senator – Vermont - 1891-1908; Union Colonel – 15th Vermont Infantry
# proctorredfield
Document Signed partial 1891 03 07 with President Benjamin Harrison
PRYOR, ROGER ATKISON (1828-1919) Confederate Brigadier General; Confederate Congressman – Virginia - 1861-65; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1859-61
# pryorrogeratkison
Signed Card 1886 06 25