Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
PRESTON, JOHN SMITH (1809-81) Confederate Brigadier General
# prestonjohnsmith
Signature & Rank
PRESTON, WILLIAM (1816-87) Confederate Brigadier General – Kentucky
# prestonwilliam
Autograph Letter Signed conclusion 1860 08 17
Signature & Rank 1862 11 16
Endorsement Signed
Autograph Letter Signed 1863 06 25
Signature & Rank
PRESTON, WILLIAM BALLARD (1805-62) Confederate Congressman – Virginia; U.S. Navy Secretary – 1849-50; U.S. Congressman – 1847-49
# prestonwilliamballard
Document Signed 1850 05 08 with President Zachary Taylor
Signature from a letter
PRESTON, WILLIAM CAMPBELL (1794-1860) U.S. Senator – South Carolina – 1833-42
# prestonwilliamcampbell
Autograph Letter Signed no date
PRICE, STERLING (1809-67) Confederate Major General; Governor of Missouri – 1853-57; U.S. Representative – Missouri – 1845-46; Veteran of the Mexican & Missouri Mormon Wars
# pricesterling
Autograph Letter Signed 1842 03 22
Document Signed portion 1856 10 27
Autograph Letter Signed 1860 04 02
Signature & Civil War Confederate Rank
PRICE, WILLIAM REDWOOD (1836-81) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Officer in the 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry
# pricewilliamredwood
Signature from a document
PRIDEMORE, AUBURN LORENZO (1837-1900) Confederate Colonel – 64th Virginia Infantry; U.S. Representative – 1877-79
# pridemoreauburnlorenzo
PRINCE, HENRY (1811-92) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars
# princehenry
Signature & Rank
PROCTOR, REDFIELD (1831-1908) U.S. Secretary of War – 1889-91; Governor of Vermont – 1878-80; U.S. Senator – Vermont - 1891-1908; Union Colonel – 15th Vermont Infantry
# proctorredfield
Document Signed partial 1891 03 07 with President Benjamin Harrison
PRYOR, ROGER ATKISON (1828-1919) Confederate Brigadier General; Confederate Congressman – Virginia - 1861-65; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1859-61
# pryorrogeratkison
Signed Card 1886 06 25
PUFENDORF, SAMUEL VON (1632-94) German Jurist, Political Philosopher, Economist, and Historian
# pufendorfsamuelvon
Autograph Letter Signed 1675 12 30
PUGET, PIERRE PAUL (1620-94) French Baroque Painter, Sculptor, Architect, and Engineer
# pugetpierrepaul
Autograph Letter Signed 1687 12 03 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1687 12 03 pg2
PUGH, GEORGE ELLIS (1822-76) Captain of the Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Mexican War; U.S. Senator – Ohio – 1855-61
# pughgeorgeellis
Signature as US Senator
Signature as US Senator with others
PUGH, JAMES LAWRENCE (1820-1907) Confederate Officer; Confederate Congressman – 1862-65; U.S. Senator – 1880-97; U.S. Representative – Alabama – 1859-61
# pughjameslawrence
Signed Card
Signed Album Page with James T Farley
Signed Album Page as US Senator
PULASKI, CASIMIR (1745-79) Polish Nobleman & Soldier; American Revolutionary War, Brigadier General in the Continental Army; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Savannah, Georgia – died on October 11, 1779
# pulaskicasimir
Autograph Letter Signed 1773 03 14
Letter Signed 1778 06 18
Letter Signed 1778
PULLMAN, GEORGE MORTIMER (1831-97) American Engineer & Industrialist; Designed & Manufactured the Pullman Sleeping Car
# pullmangeorgemortimer
Letter Signed 1879 10 15
PURDY, SMITH MEADE (1796-1870) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1843-45
# purdysmithmeade
Signature as US Congressman
PUSEY, WILLIAM HENRY MILES (1826-1900) U.S. Representative – Iowa – 1883-85
# puseywilliam henrymiles
Signature as US Representative from Iowa
QUARLES, WILLIAM ANDREW (1825-93) Confederate Brigadier General
# quarleswilliamandrew
Autograph Endorsement Signed *
Signature & Rank no date
* With 49th Tennessee Confederate Colonel James Edmund Bailey.
QUICK, JOHN S. (1812-72) Prominent Attorney & Real Estate Investor in Chicago, Illinois; Instrumental in the settlement & development of Oak Park, Illinois
# quickjohns
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving