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PITT, WILLIAM THE ELDER (1708-78) Prime Minister of Great Britain – 1766-68; Member of Parliament – 1735-66

# pittwilliamtheelder

PITT, WILLIAM THE YOUNGER (1759-1806) Prime Minister of Great Britain & the United Kingdom – 1783-1801 & 1804-06

# pittwilliamtheyounger

PIUS IX (1792-1878) Italian-born Pope, Head of the Roman Catholic Church – 1846-78

# piusIX

PLAISTED, HARRIS MERRILL (1828-98) Union Brevet Major General; Colonel of the 11th Maine Infantry; Governor of Maine – 1881-83; U.S. Representative – Maine – 1875-77

# plaistedharrismerrill

PLEASONTON, ALFRED (1824-97) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# pleasontonalfred

PLEASONTON, AUGUSTUS JAMES (1808-94) Brigadier General of Pennsylvania Militia during the American Civil War; Older brother of General Alfred Pleasonton

# pleasontonaugustusjames

PLUMER, THOMAS (1753-1824) British Judge & Politician; Member of Parliament – 1807-13

# plumerthomas

PLUMMER, JOSEPH BENNETT (1816-62) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 11th Missouri Infantry; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Wilson’s Creek, died on August 9, 1862; Veteran of the Mexican War

# plummerjosephbennett

POE, EDGAR ALLAN (1809-49) American Writer & Poet

# poeedgarallan

POE, ORLANDO METCALFE (1832-95) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 2nd Michigan Infantry

# poeorlandometcalfe

POHL, OSWALD LUDWIG (1892-1951) Nazi-era German Official; Head Administrator of the Concentration Camps; Executed by hanging in 1951

# pohloswaldludwig

POINSETT, JOEL ROBERTS (1779-1851) U.S. Secretary of War – 1837-41; U.S. Minister to Mexico – 1825-29; Namesake of the Poinsettia, which he discovered during his diplomatic mission in Mexico; U.S. Congressman – South Carolina – 1821-25

# poinsettjoelroberts

POITIERS, DIANNE de (1500-69) French Noblewoman; Royal Mistress of King Henry II of France

# poitiersdiannede

POLIGNAC, CAMILLE ARMAND JULES MARIE DE (1832-1913) French Nobleman; Confederate Brigadier General

# polignaccamillearmandjulesmariede

POLK, JAMES KNOX (1795-1849) Eleventh U.S. President - 1845-49; U.S. Representative – Tennessee – 1825-39; Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives – 1835-39; Governor of Tennessee – 1839-41

# polkjamesknox

POLK, LEONIDAS (1806-64) Confederate Lieutenant General

# polkleonidas

POLK, LUCIUS EUGENE (1833-92) Confederate Brigadier General

# polkluciuseugene

POLK, TRUSTEN W. (1811-76) Confederate Colonel in the Missouri State Guard; Governor of Missouri – 1857; U.S. Senator – Missouri – 1857-62 - expelled from the U.S. Senate for Disloyalty

# polktrustenw

POMEROY, SAMUEL CLARKE (1816-91) U.S. Senator – Kansas – 1861-73; Mayor of Atchison, Kansas – 1858-59

# pomeroysamuelclarke

POOL, ORVAL (1809-1871) Prominent Merchant & Banker in Shawneetown, Illinois; Organized the Gallatin National Bank in Shawneetown, 1871

# poolorval
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