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PARRISH, MAXFIELD (1870-1966) American Painter & Illustrator

# parrishmaxfield

PARSONS, LEWIS BALDWIN, JR. (1818-1907) Union Brigadier General; Staff Office to Generals Francis Preston Blair, Henry Wager Halleck, Samuel R. Curtis, and John M. Schofield

# parsonslewisbaldwinjr

PARSONS, MOSBY MONROE (1822-65) Confederate Brigadier General; Murdered in Mexico

# parsonsmosbymonroe

PASCAL, BLAISE (1623-62) French Mathematician & Philosopher

# pascalblaise

PASCO, SAMUEL (1834-1917) Confederate Soldier – 3rd Florida Infantry; U.S. Senator – Florida – 1887-99; Namesake of Pasco County, Florida

# pascosamuel

PASTEUR, LOUIS (1822-95) French Chemist & Microbiologist

# pasteurlouis

PATERSON, WILLIAM (1745-1806) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1793-1806; Signer of the U.S. Constitution; U.S. Senator – New Jersey – 1789-90; Governor of New Jersey – 1790-93; Attorney General of New Jersey – 1776-83

# patersonwilliam

PATRICK, MARSENA RUDOLPH (1811-88) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# patrickmarsenarudolph

PATTEE, JOHN (1820-1901) Canadian-born Union Brevet Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 7th Iowa Cavalry

# patteejohn

PATTERSON, JOAB NELSON (1835-1923) Union Brevet Brigadier General - New Hampshire; Union Colonel - 2nd New Hampshire Infantry

# pattersonjoabnelson

PATTERSON, ROBERT (1792-1881) Irish-born Union Major General; Veteran of the War of 1812 & the Mexican War

# pattersonrobert

PATTISON, ROBERT EMORY (1850-1904) Governor of Pennsylvania – 1883-87 & 1891-95

# pattisonrobertemory

PATTON, GEORGE SMITH, JR. (1885-1945) United States Army General during World War II, colloquially known as “Old Blood and Guts”; Veteran of the Pancho Villa Expedition & World War I

# pattongeorgesmithjr

PAUL I (1754-1801) Emperor of Russia – 1796-1801

# paulIofrussia

PAUL, GABRIEL RENE (1813-86) Union Brigadier General; Blinded from a wound at the Battle of Gettysburg; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars

# paulgabrielrene

PAULDING, HIRAM (1797-1878) Union Navy Officer, later promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral; Veteran of the War of 1812

# pauldinghiram

PAULUS, FRIEDRICH (1890-1957) German Field Marshal during World War II

# paulusfriedrich

PAVLOV, IVAN PETROVICH (1849-1936) Russian Physiologist

# pavlovivanpetrovich

PAXTON, ELISHA FRANKLIN (182-63) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Chancellorsville

# paxtonelishaf

PAYNE, EUGENE BEAUHARNAIS (1835-1910) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 37th Illinois Infantry

# payneeugenebeauharnais
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