Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
PALISOTT, CHARLES DE MONTENOY (1730-1814) French Playwright
# palisottcharlesdemontenoy
Autograph Letter Signed
PALMER, INNIS NEWTON (1824-1900) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican & western Indian Wars
# palmerinnisnewton
Autograph Letter Signed 1863 03 02
Endorsement Signed with Rank
Signature & Rank
PALMER, JAMES SHEDDEN (1810-67) Union Navy Officer, promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral in 1866; Commander-in-Chief of the North Atlantic Squadron – 1865-67; Veteran of the Mexican War
# palmerjamesshedden
Letter Signed 1864 09 29
PALMER, JOHN McCAULEY (1817-1900) Union Major General; Governor of Illinois – 1869-73; U.S. Senator – Illinois – 1891-97; U.S. Presidential Candidate on the “Gold Democrat” Ticket - 1896
# palmerjohnmccauley
Signed Card
Signed Card
PALMER, JOSEPH BENJAMIN (1825-90) Confederate Brigadier General - Tennessee
# palmerjosephbenjamin
Document Signed 1864 06 01
Signature & Rank
PALMER, OLIVER HAZARD (1814-84) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 108th New York Infantry
# palmeroliverhazard
PALMERSTON, LORD HENRY JOHN TEMPLE (1784-1865) British Prime Minister – 1855-65
# palmerstonlordhenryjohn
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
PANARD, CHARLES FRANCOIS (1689-1765) French Poet & Playwright
# panardcharlesfrancois
Autograph Letter Signed
PARE, AMBROISE (ca. 1510-1590) Barber Surgeon to French Kings Henry II, Francis II, Charles IX, and Henry III; Considered one of the fathers of surgery and modern forensic pathology and a pioneer in surgical techniques and battlefield medicine
# pareambroise
Autograph Letter Signed 1544
PARK, GUY BRASFORD (1872-1946) Governor of Missouri – 1933-37
# parkguybrasford
Signature as Missouri Governor
PARKE, JOHN GRUBB (1827-1900) Union Major General
# parkejohngrubb
Letter Signed 1863 06 11
Signature & Rank 1864 11 22
Letter Signed 1874 07 21 pg1
Letter Signed 1874 07 21 pg2
Signature no place no date
PARKER, ANDREW (1805-64) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1851-53
# parkerandrew
Signature as US Congressman
PARKER, ELY SAMUEL (1828-95) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Seneca Indian; Staff Officer & Military Secretary to General Ulysses S. Grant; U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs – 1869-71
# parkerelysamuel
Document Signed 1864 05 02
Signature & Rank Staff/Military Secretary
PARKER, JOEL (1816-88) Governor of New Jersey – 1863-66 & 1872-75; Associate Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court – 1880-88
# parkerjoel
Document Signed 1864 04 04
Signature from a letter
Signature no place no date
PARKER, THOMAS (1843-1915) English Electrical Engineer, Inventor, and Industrialist
# parkerthomas
Autograph Letter Signed 1864 10 22
PARKHURST, JOHN GIBSON (1824-1906) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 9th Michigan Infantry; Provost Marshal General – Army of the Cumberland
# parkhurstjohngibson
Document Signed 1865 01 31
Signature& Rank from a letter
PARMENTER, WILLIAM (1789-1866) U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1837-45; Naval Officer at the Port of Boston – 1845-49
# parmenterwilliam
Signature as US Congressman
PARMENTIER, ANTOINE-AUGUSTIN (1737-1813) French Pharmacist & Agronomist
# parmentierantineaugustin
Autograph Letter Signed
PARNY, EVARISTE DE (1753-1814) French Poet
# parnyevaristede
Autograph Letter Signed 1788 08 17
PARR, SAMUEL (1747-1825) English Schoolmaster, Writer, Minister, and Doctor of Law
# parrsamuel
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving