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BALLOCH, GEORGE W. (1825-1907) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel – 5th New Hampshire Infantry; Chief Disbursing Officer – Freedmen’s Bureau – 1865-71

# ballochgw

BALUZE, ETIENNE (1630-1718) French Scholar & Historiographer, also known as Stephanus Baluzius

# baluzeetienne

BANGS, GEORGE H. (circa 1831-1883) Pinkerton Detective During the Civil War; Union Intelligence Officer and Secret Service Agent

# bangsgh

BANKS, JOSEPH (1740-1820) English Naturalist & Botanist

# banksjoseph

BANKS, JOSEPH (1743-1820) English Naturalist & Botanist; President of the Royal Society – 1778-1820

# banksjoseph

BANKS, NATHANIEL PRENTISS (1816-94) Union Major General – Massachusetts; Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives – 1855-57; Governor of Massachusetts – 1858-61

# banksnathanielprentissrentice

BANNING, HENRY B. (1836-81) Union Brevet Major General; Union Lieutenant Colonel – 125th Ohio Infantry; Union Colonel – 87th, 121st & 195th Ohio Infantries; U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1873-79

# banninghb

BARBER, FRANCIS (1750-83) American Revolutionary War, Colonel in the Continental Army – 3rd New Jersey Regiment

# barberfrancis

Wounded at the Battles of Monmouth and Newton; Killed by a falling tree while on his way to dine with General Washington, February 2, 1783


BARBOUR, JAMES (1775-1842) U.S. Secretary of War – 1825-28; U.S. Senator – Virginia – 1815-25; U.S. Minister to England – 1828-29; Governor of Virginia – 1812-14

# barbourj

BARING-GOULD, SABINE (1834-1924) Anglican Priest & Hymnwriter, best known for composing “Onward, Christian Soldiers”

# baringgouldsabine

BARKHORN, GERHARD (1919-83) German Officer in the Luftwaffe during World War II

# barkhorngerhard

BARKSDALE, ETHELBERT (1824-93) Confederate Congressman – 1861-65; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1883-87

# barksdaleethelbert

BARKSDALE, WILLIAM (1821-63) Confederate Brigadier General – Mississippi; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg – July 3, 1863; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1853-61

# barksdalewilliam

BARLOW, FRANCIS CHANNING (1834-96) Union Major General

# barloowfrancischanning

BARLOW, JOEL (1754-1812) American Poet, Diplomat & Politician; Revolutionary War Chaplain in a Massachusetts Brigade

# barlowjoel

BARNARD, DANIEL D. (1797-1861) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1839-45; U.S. Minister to Prussia – 1850-53

# barnarddd

BARNARD, JOHN GROSS (1815-82) Union Brigadier General - Massachusetts

# barnardjohngross

BARNAVE, ANTOINE PIERRE JOSEPH MARIE (1761-93) French Politician & Orator; Executed in Paris during the Reign of Terror, November 29, 1793

# barnaveantoine

BARNES, JAMES (1806-69) Union Brigadier General - Massachusetts

# barnesjames

BARNES, JOSEPH K. (1817-83) Union Brigadier General; Surgeon General of the U.S. Army – 1864-82

# barnesjosephk
3385 Items.  Showing Items 221 thru 240.
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