Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
OAKES, JAMES (1826-1910) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War
# oakesjames
Signature & Rank
OCHILTREE, WILLIAM BECK (1811-67) Confederate Congressman – Texas – 1861-62; Texas Republic Secretary of the Treasury - 1844-45; Attorney General of the Texas Republic - 1845-46
# ochiltreewilliambeck
OGDEN, AARON (1756-1839) Officer in the 1st New Jersey Regiment during the American Revolutionary War; U.S. Senator – New Jersey – 1801-03; Governor of New Jersey – 1812-13
# ogdenaaron
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
OGLESBY, RICHARD JAMES (1824-99) Union Major General; Colonel of the 8th Illinois Infantry; Governor of Illinois – 1865-69, 1873, and 1885-89; U.S Senator – Illinois – 1873-79; Veteran of the Mexican War
# oglesbyrichardjames
Signed Card with Rank 1864 05 25
Autograph Note Signed with Rank
Signature from a letter
Signed Card
Signed Card
Signed Card 1886 11 01
OLCOTT, BEN W. (1872-1952) Governor of Oregon – 1919-1923; Oregon Secretary of State – 1911-1920
# olcottbenw
Typed Letter Signed 1922 09 22
OLDEN, CHARLES SMITH (1799-1876) Governor of New Jersey
# oldencharlessmith
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 11 06 with President Abraham Lincoln ANS
OLDHAM, WILLIAMSON SIMPSON, SR. (1813-68) Confederate Senator – Texas – 1862-65
# oldhamwilliamsonsimpson
OLIN, HENRY (1840-1902) Prominent Doctor of Opthalmology & Otology in Chicago, Illinois
# olinhenry
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
OLIVER, JOHN MORRISON (1828-72) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 15th Michigan Infantry
# oliverjohnmorrison
Signature & Rank from a document
OPDYKE, GEORGE (1805-80) Mayor of New York City – 1862-64
# opdykegeorge
Document Signed 1863 04 30
Document Signed 1863 09 23
ORD, EDWARD OTHO CRESAP (1818-83) Union Major General; Veteran of the Mexican & antebellum Indian Wars
# ordedwardothocresap
Endorsement Signed 1865 02 02
Signature & Rank
Signature & Rank
Signature & Rank
Signed Card with Rank
Signature affixed to an engraving
ORDWAY, ALBERT (1843-97) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 24th Massachusetts Infantry
# ordwayalbert
Signature & Rank from a document
ORR, JAMES LAWRENCE (1822-73) Confederate Colonel; Confederate Senator – South Carolina – 1862-65; Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives – 1857-59; Governor of South Carolina – 1865-68
# orrjameslawrence
Early Signature as US Congressman
ORR, JEHU AMAZIAH (1828-1921) Confederate Colonel – 31st Mississippi Infantry; Severely wounded at the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee – November 30, 1864; Confederate Congressman – Mississippi – 1861-62 & 1864-65
# orrjehuamaziah
OSBORN, THOMAS OGDEN (1832-1904) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 39th Illinois Infantry
# osbornthomasogden
OSBORNE, EDWIN SYLVANUS (1839-1900) Union Officer – 149th Pennsylvania Infantry; U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1885-91
# osborneedwinsylvanus
OSGOOD, FRANCES SARGENT (1811-50) American Poet
# osgoodfrancessargent
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
OSTENDORF, LLOYD (1921-2000) American Author, Artist, and Lincoln Scholar
# ostendorflloyd
Inscribed Signed Book 1963 12 with Charles Hamilton & Norman Boas
OSWALD, JAMES (younger) (1715-69) Scottish Politician; Member of the British Parliament – 1741-68; Lord Commissioner of the Treasury – 1760
# oswaldjames
Document Signed circa 1761-62 pg1 with King George III
Document Signed circa 1761-62 pg2 with King George III
OTIS, ELIZA HENDERSON (1796-1873) Boston Philanthropist & Civic Leader; Wife of Harrison Gray Otis, grandson of the wealthy Boston mayor (1829-32) of the same name; Instrumental in establishing the birthday of George Washington as a Legal Holiday
# otiselizahenderson
Printed facsimile signature beneath a woodcut image
Signed Album Page 1865 03 04