Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
NISBETT, EUGENIUS ARISTEDES (1803-71) Confederate Congressman – Georgia – 1861; U.S. Representative – 1839-41
# nisbeteugeniusaristedes
NOAILLES, LOUIS-ANTOINE DE (1651-1729) French Bishop & Cardinal
# noaileslouisantoinede
Autograph Letter Signed 1728 05 20
NOBEL, ALFRED BERNHARD (1833-96) Swedish Chemist, Engineer, Inventor, Businessman, and Philanthropist; Known for inventing Dynamite; Namesake, whose bequest established the Nobel Prize
# nobelalfredbernhard
Autograph Note unsigned 1895 10 21
NOBLE, JOHN WILLOCK (1831-1912) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 3rd Iowa Cavalry; U.S. Secretary of the Interior – 1889-93
# noblejohnwillick
Signature no place no date
Signed Card 1898 02 21
NORTH, FREDERICK / LORD NORTH (1732-92) Prime Minister of Great Britain – 1770-82; Member of Parliament – 1754-90
# northfrederick
Document Signed circa 1761-62 pg1 with King George III
Document Signed circa 1761-62 pg2 with King George III
NORTHRUP, LUCIUS BELLINGER (1811-94) Confederate Colonel & Commissary General
# northrupluciusbellinger
NORTON, ELIJAH HISE (1821-1914) U.S. Congressman - Missouri – 1861-63
# nortonelijahhise
Document Signed circa 1861-63 with others
NORTON, JESSE OLDS (1812-75) U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1853-57 & 1863-65; Resident of Joliet & Chicago, Illinois
# nortonjesseolds
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
NORTON, NIMROD LINDSAY (1830-1903) Confederate Colonel; Confederate Congressman – Missouri - 1864-65
# nortonnimrodlindsay
NOSTRADAMUS (MICHEL DE NOSTRADAME) (1503-66) French Astrologer, Physician and Reputed Seer
# nostradamus
Autograph Manuscript Signed 1563
NOURSE, JOSEPH (1754-1841) First U.S. Register of the Treasury
# noursejoseph
Autograph Letter Signed 1782 03 19
NUREYEV, RUDOLF (1938-93) Soviet-born Ballet Dancer
# nureyevrudolf
Signed Photograph
NYE, GEORGE HENRY (1828-1908) Union Brevet Major General; Colonel of the 29th Maine Infantry
# nyegeorgehenry
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 11 03 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 11 03 pgs2&3
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 11 03 addressed transmittal envelope
NYE, JAMES WARREN (1815-76) Governor of Nevada Territory – 1861-64; U.S. Senator - Nevada – 1865-73
# nyejameswarren
Endorsement Signed 1869 03 14
O'BRIEN, WILLIAM W. (1834-?) Irish-Born Attorney in Peoria & Chicago, Illinois; Elected Illinois State Congressman in 1862
# obrienwilliamw
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
O'CONOR, CHARLES (1804-84) American Attorney, served as counsel for Confederate President Jefferson Davis; First Catholic Nominee for U.S. President - 1872
# o'conorcharles
O'KEEFFE, GEORGIA (1887-1986) American Painter; Wife of Alfred Stieglitz
# okeeffegeorgia
Autograph Letter Signed 1950 02 07
Signed Photograph reverse 1968 01 28
O'NEAL, EDWARD ASBURY (1818-90) Confederate Brigadier General; Governor of Alabama – 1882-86
# onealedwardasbury
Autograph Letter Signed 1884 07 08
O'NEILL, EUGENE (1888-1953) American Writer & Playwright
# oneilleugene
Autograph Letter Signed ny 12 07
Signed Card
Inscribed Signed Photograph
O'RORKE, PATRICK HENRY (1837-63) Irish-born Union Colonel - 140th New York Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Gettysburg – July 2, 1863
# ororkepatrickhenry
Autograph Document Signed 1862 12 27
Signature no place no date