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NEILL, THOMAS HEWSON (1826-85) Union Brigadier General – Pennsylvania

# neillthomashewson

NELSON, HORATIO (1758-1805) British Navy Officer; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Trafalgar - October 21, 1805

# nelsonhoratio

NELSON, WILLIAM (1824-62) Union Major General – Kentucky; Killed by Union General Jefferson C. Davis in a Louisville hotel on September 29, 1862

# nelsonwilliam

NES, HENRY (1799-1850) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1843-45 & 1847-50

# neshenry

NESMITH, JAMES WILLIS (1820-85) U.S. Senator – 1861-67; U.S. Representative – Oregon – 1873-75

# nesmithjameswillis


# nyyankees1934

NEWTON, EBEN (1795-1885) U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1851-53; President of the Ashtabula & New Lisbon Railroad Company – 1856-59

# newtoneben

NEWTON, JOHN (1823-95) Union Major General

# newtonjohn

NEWTON, WILLOUGHBY (1808-74) U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1843-45; Confederate Congressman in the Virginia State House of Delegates – 1861-63

# newtonwilloughby

NEY, MICHEL (1769-1815) 1st Duke of Elchingen; 1st Prince of the Moskva; French Military Commander during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars

# neymichel

NICHOLAS II (1868-1918) Emperor of Russia – 1894-1917

# nicholasII

NICHOLLS, FRANCIS REDDING TILLOU (1834-1912) Confederate Brigadier General; Governor of Louisiana – 1876-80 & 1888-92

# nichollsfrancisreddingtillou

NICHOLS, EDWARD TATNALL (1823-86) Union Navy Officer; Promoted to Rear Admiral in the U.S. Navy - 1878; Veteran of the Mexican War

# nicholsedwardtatnall

NICHOLS, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS (1818-69) Union Brevet Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# nicholswilliamaugustus

NICHOLSON, S.E. (?-?) Legislative Superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League of America

# nicholsonse

NICKERSON, FRANKLIN STILLMAN (1826-1917) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 14th Maine Infantry

# nickersonfranklinstillman

NICOLAY, JOHN GEORGE (1832-1901) German-born American Author & Diplomat; Private Secretary of Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War; Marshal of the U.S. Supreme Court – 1872-87

# nicolayjohngeorge

NICOLE, PIERRE (1625-95) French Jansenist Theologian & Philosopher

# pierrenicole

NIGHTINGALE, FLORENCE (1820-1910) English Social Reformer & Nurse, known as the Founder of Modern Nursing

# nightingaleflorence

NIMITZ, CHESTER WILLIAM (1885-1966) U.S. Navy Admiral; Commander-in-Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet – 1941-45

# nimitzchesterwilliam
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