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MORTON, JACKSON (1794-1874) Confederate Congressman – Florida – 1862-65; U.S. Senator – Florida – 1849-55

# mortonjackson

MORTON, JOHN (1725-77) Delegate to the Continental Congress – Pennsylvania; Signer of the Declaration of Independence

# mortonjohn

MORTON, LEVI P. (1824-1920) U.S. Vice President – 1889-93; U.S. Representative – New York – 1879-81; Governor of New York – 1895-97

# mortonlevip

MORTON, OLIVER PERRY (1823-77) Governor of Indiana – 1861-67, U.S. Senator – Indiana – 1867-77

# mortonoliverperry

MOSBY, JOHN SINGLETON (1833-1916) Confederate Colonel – 43rd Battalion Virginia Cavalry

# mosbyjohnsingleton

MOSES, ANNA MARY "GRANDMA" (1860-1961) American Folk Artist

# mosesgrandma

MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP (1814-1877) American Author & Diplomat – Helped Prevent European Intervention on the side of the Confederacy during the American Civil War; U.S. Minister to the Austrian Empire – 1861-67; U.S. Minister to Great Britain – 1869-70

# motleyjohnlothrop

MOTT, GERSHOM (1822-84) Union Major General; Colonel of the 6th New Jersey Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War

# mottgershom

MOTT, VALENTINE (1785-1865) American Surgeon; Appointed Professor of Surgery at Columbia College in 1809

# mottvalentine

MOULTRIE, WILLIAM (1730-1805) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army; Governor of South Carolina – 1785-87 & 1792-94; Namesake of Fort Moultrie, South Carolina

# moultriewilliam

MOUTON, JEAN JACQUES ALFRED ALEXANDER “ALFRED” (1829-64) Confederate Brigadier General – Louisiana; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Mansfield, Louisiana – April 8, 1864

# moutonjeanjacquesalfredalexander

MOWER, JOSEPH ANTHONY (1827-70) Union Major General; Colonel of the 11th Missouri Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War

# mowerjosephanthony

MOYLAN, STEPHEN (1737-1811) American Revolutionary War, Irish-born Brevet Brigadier & Quartermaster General in the Continental Army; Served on the staff of General George Washington

# moylanstephen

MOZART, CONSTANZE (1762-1842) Austrian Singer; Wife of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

# mozartc

MOZART, KARL THOMAS (1784-1858) Austrian Pianist; Son of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

# mozartkarlthomas

MOZART, LEOPOLD (1719-87) Father & Teacher of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

# mozartl

MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS (1756-91) Austrian Composer

# mozartwolfgangamadeus

MUNDEE, CHARLES (1826-71) Hungarian-born Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# mundeecharles

MUNFORD, THOMAS TAYLOR (1831-1918) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia

# munfordthomastaylor

MUNRO, THOMAS (1761-1827) Scottish Soldier; Major General in the British Army; Colonial Governor of Madras – 1820-27

# munrothomas
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