Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
MOODY, DWIGHT L. (1837-99) American Evangelist
# moodydwightl
Signed Card
MOODY, HELEN WILLS (1905-98) American Tennis Player
# moodyhelenwills
Autograph Letter Signed
MOODY, ZENAS F. (1832-1917) Governor of Oregon – 1882-87
# moodyzenasf
Signed Card
Signed Card
MOORE, ANDREW BARRY (1807-73) Governor of Alabama – 1857-61; Alabama State Representative – 1842-45; Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives – 1843-45
# mooreandrewbarry
Document Signed 1861 04 01
Document Signed portion
MOORE, JAMES WILLIAM (1818-77) Confederate Congressman – Kentucky – 1862-65
# moorejameswilliam
MOORE, JESSE HALE (1817-83) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 115th Illinois Infantry; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1869-73
# moorejessehale
MOORE, JOHN CREED (1824-1910) Confederate Brigadier General - Texas
# moorejohncreed
Signature & Rank
MOORE, LABAN THEODORE (1829-92) Union Colonel – 14th Kentucky Infantry; U.S. Congressman – Kentucky – 1859-61
# moorelabantheodore
Signature as US Congressman
MOORE, MARIANNE (1887-1972) American Poet & Writer
# mooremarianne
Autograph Note Signed 1952 11 14
Inscribed Document Signed 1965 08 06
MOORE, MARSHALL FRANK (1829-70) Union Lieutenant Colonel – 17th Ohio Infantry, later Colonel of the 69th Ohio Infantry; Governor of Washington Territory – 1867-69
# mooremarshallfrank
Signature & Rank from a document
MOORE, SAMUEL PRESTON (1813-89) Confederate Brigadier & Surgeon General
# mooresamuelpreston
Signature & Rank
Letter Signed 1862 11 12
MOORE, STEPHEN RITCHIE (1832-?) Prominent Attorney in Kankakee, Illinois; Defended Father Charles Chiniquy against charges brought by the Roman Catholic bishop of Chicago in 1858
# morestephenritchie
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
MOORE, THOMAS (1779-1852) Irish Poet, Singer & Songwriter; Best known for “The Last Rose of Summer”
# moorethomas
Autograph Note Signed
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
MOORE, THOMAS OVERTON (1804-76) Governor of Louisiana – 1860-64
# moorethomasoverton
Document Signed 1862 03 01
Autograph Letter Signed 1863 10 11 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1863 10 11 pg2
MOORE, WILLIAM (1810-78) U.S. Representative – New Jersey – 1867-71
# moorewilliam
Endorsement Signed 1869 03 14
MORE, HANNAH (1745-1833) English Religious Writer, Philanthropist, and Opponent of the Slave Trade
# morehannah
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
MOREAU, GUSTAVE (1826-98) French Artist
# moreaugustave
Autograph Letter Signed 1889 10 31
MOREHEAD, JAMES T. (1799-1875) U.S. Congressman – North Carolina – 1851-53
# moreheadjamest
Signature as US Congressman
MORELL, GEORGE WEBB (1815-83) Union Brigadier General
# morellgeorgewebb
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 09 06 pg1
Autograph Letter Signed 1861 09 06 pg2
Document Signed 1862 07 31 with Generals Daniel Butterfield, Fitz John Porter
Autograph Endorsement Signed with Rank no date
Signature & Rank no date
MORGAN, CHARLES HALE (1834-75) Union Brigadier General
# morgancharleshale
Signature & Rank