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MITCHELL, ROBERT BYINGTON (1823-82) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 2nd Kansas Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War; Governor of the New Mexico Territory – 1866-69

# mitchellrobertbyington

MITCHILL, SAMUEL LATHAM (1764-1831) American Physician, Naturalist, and Politician; U.S. Senator – New York – 1804-09; U.S. Representative – New York – 1801-04 & 1810-13

# mitchillsamuellatham

MITFORD, MARY RUSSELL (1787-1855) English Author & Dramatist

# mitfordmaryrussell

MIZNER, HENRY RUTGERS (1827-1915) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 14th Michigan Infantry

# miznerhenryrutgers

MIZNER, JOHN KEMP (1834-98) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 3rd Michigan Cavalry

# miznerjohnkemp

MOESCH, JOSEPH ANTON (ca. 1829-1864) Swiss-born Union Colonel – 83rd New York Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of the Wilderness – May 5, 1864

# moeschjosephanton

MOISE, EDWIN WARREN (1810-68) Jewish Confederate Captain; Officer in the Louisiana Militia after the American Civil War

# moiseedwinwarren

MOLINEUX, EDWARD LESLIE (1833-1915) Union Brevet Major General; Colonel of the 159th New York Infantry

# molineuxedwardleslie

MOLONY, RICHARD SHEPPARD (1811-91) U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1851-53

# molonyrichardsheppard

MOLTKE, HELMUTH VON, THE ELDER (1800-91) Prussian Field Marshal; Chief of the German General Staff – 1871-88

# moltkehelmuthvon

MONK, JAMES HENRY (1784-1856) English Bishop of Gloucester & Bristol – 1836-56

# monkjameshenry

MONROE, JAMES (1758-1831) Fifth U.S. President – 1817-25; U.S. Secretary of State 1811-17; U.S. Secretary of War – 1814-15; Governor of Virginia – 1799-1802 & 1811; U.S. Senator – Virginia – 1790-94

# monroejames

MONROE, JAMES (1821-98) U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1871-81

# monroejamesusrep

MONROE, JOHN T. (1823-71) Confederate Mayor of New Orleans

# morganjohnt

MONROE, MARILYN (1926-1962) Born Norma Jeane Mortenson; American Model & Film Actress

# monroemarilyn

MONSIGNY, PIERRE-ALEXANDRE (1729-1817) French Composer

# monsignypierrealexandre

MONTAGUE, ROBERT LATANE (1819-80) Confederate Congressman – Virginia – 1864-65

# montaguerobertlatane

MONTGOMERY, RICHARD (1738-75) American Revolutionary War, Continental Army Major General; Killed-in-Action during the Battle of Quebec City - December 31, 1775

# montgomeryrichard

MONTGOMERY, ROBERT H., JR. (1904-81) American Actor, Director, and Producer

# montgomeryroberthjr

MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM READING (1801-71) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 1st New Jersey Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# montgomerywilliamreading
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