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MEMMINGER, CHRISTOPHER GUSTAVUS (1803-88) Confederate Congressman – South Carolina – 1861-62; Confederate Treasury Secretary – 1861-64

# memmingerchristophergustavus

MENEES, THOMAS (1823-1905) Confederate Congressman – Tennessee – 1862-65; Dean of the Medical Departments of the University of Nashville & Vanderbilt University – 1874-95

# meneesthomas

MENGELE, JOSEF RUDOLF (1911-79) Nazi German SS Officer & Physician during World War II; Known as the “Angel of Death” - notorious for conducting deadly medical experiments on inmates at Auschwitz Concentration Camp

# mengelejosefrudolf

* Image courtesy of CANDLES Holocaust Museum, Terre Haute, Indiana

MENOTTI, GIAN CARLO (1911-2007) Italian-American Composer

# menottigiancarlo

MERCER, HUGH (1726-77) Brigadier General in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War; Served in the French & Indian War

# mercerhugh

MERCER, HUGH WEEDON (1808-77) Confederate Brigadier General – Georgia; Grandson of American Revolutionary War General Hugh Mercer

# mercerhughweedon

MEREDITH, SOLOMON (1810-75) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 19th Indiana Infantry, part of the Iron Brigade

# meredithsolomon

MERRIAM, HENRY CLAY (1837-1912) Union Officer – 20th Maine Infantry; Awarded the Medal of Honor leading the 73rd U.S. Colored Troops at Fort Blakely, Alabama – April 9, 1865; U.S. Army Major General; Veteran of the Indian & Spanish-American Wars

# merriamhenryclay

MERRICK, FRANK (1886–1981) English Pianist & Composer

# merrickfrank

MERRILL, ROBERT (1917-2004) American Operatic Baritone & Actor

# merrillrobert

MERRITT, WESLEY (1834-1910) Union Major General – saw action from Chancellorsville through Appomattox in the Army of the Potomac Cavalry; Served in the Indian Wars, the Spanish-American War, and the Philippine-American War

# merrittwesley

MICHELANGELO (1475-1564) Italian Sculptor, Painter, and Architect

# michelangelo

MICHELET, JULES (1798-1874) French Historian

# micheletjules

MIFFLIN, THOMAS (1744-1800) American Revolutionary War, Major General in the Continental Army; Delegate to the Continental Congress – 1774-75 & 1782-84; President of Pennsylvania – 1788-90; Governor of Pennsylvania – 1790-99

# mifflinthomas

MIKOYAN, ANASTAS (1895-1980) Soviet Politician

# mikoyananastas

MILES, NELSON APPLETON (1839-1925) Union Major General; Awarded the Medal of Honor for gallantry at the Battle of Chancellorsville; Veteran of the Indian & Spanish-American Wars; Commanding General of the U.S. Army – 1895-1904

# milesnelsonappleton

MILES, WILLIAM PORCHER (1822-99) Confederate Colonel – served on the staff of P.G.T. Beauregard; Confederate Congressman – South Carolina – 1861-65; U.S. Representative – South Carolina – 1857-60; Mayor of Charleston, South Carolina – 1855-57

# mileswilliamporcher

MILLER, A. HALSEY (1828-?) Jewelry Merchant & Businessman in Chicago, Illinois, first established A.H. Miller & Brothers in the Marine Bank Building

# millerahalsey

MILLER, ARTHUR (1915-2005) American Playwright & Essayist

# millerarthur

MILLER, JOHN FRANKLIN (1831-86) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 29th Indiana Infantry; U.S. Senator – California – 1881-86

# millerjohnfranklin
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