Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
BAILEY, JOSEPH (1825-67) Union Brigadier General
# baileyjoseph
Signature & Rank
BAILEY, THEODORUS (1805-77) U.S. Navy officer during the American Civil War
# baileytheodorus
BAIRD, ABSALOM (1824-1905) Union Brigadier General; Medal of Honor Recipient
# bairdabsalom
BAKER, ALPHEUS (1828-91) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina
# bakeralpheus
BAKER, EDWARD DICKINSON (1811-61) Union Major General of Volunteers, Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Ball’s Bluff - October 21, 1861; Union Colonel – 71st Pennsylvania Infantry
# bakeredwarddickinson
Franked Patriotic Envelope 1861 05 27
Franked Envelope
Signature no place no date
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
Served in the Mexican War; U.S. Congressman – Illinois – 1845-47 & 1849-51; U.S. Senator – Oregon – 1860-61; Close friend of President Abraham Lincoln
BAKER, JAMES McNAIR (1821-92) Confederate Senator – Florida – 1862-65
# bakerjamesmcnair
BAKER, JOHN H. (1832-1915) U.S. Congressman – Indiana – 1875-81
# bakerjh
Signature as US Congressman
BAKER, JOSEPHINE (1906-75) American-born French Entertainer, French Resistance Agent, and Civil Rights Activist
# bakerj
Signed Photograph 1920 postcard
Inscribed Signed Photograph Buenos Aires 1929
Inscribed Signed Photograph
BAKER, LAFAYETTE CURRY (1826-68) Union Spy; Provost Marshal & Chief of the National Police/U.S. Secret Service – 1862-63; Union Colonel – First Washington, DC Cavalry
# bakerlafayettecurry
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
Signature & Rank
BAKER, LAURENCE SIMMONS (1830-1907) Confederate Brigadier General – North Carolina
# balerlaurencesimmons
Endorsement Signed 1865 01 28
BAKER, NEWTON D., JR. (1871-1937) U.S. Secretary of War – 1916-21; Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio – 1912-15
# bakernewtondjr
Signed Album Page 1918 with President Woodrow Wilson
Signature from a typed letter
BAKER, OSMYN (1800-75) U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1840-45
# bakero
Signature as US Congressman
BAKER, SAMUEL A. (1874-1933) Governor of Missouri - 1925-29
# bakersamuela
Signature with Official Seal
BAKER, WILLIAM H. (1827-1911) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1875-79
# bakerwh
Signature as US Congressman
BALDWIN, ABRAHAM (1754-1807) American Revolutionary War, Continental Army Chaplain; Signer of the U.S. Constitution; U.S. Senator – Georgia – 1799-1807; U.S. Representative – Georgia – 1789-99; Founder of the University of Georgia
# baldwinabraham
Document Signed 1781 02 01
Document Signed 1781 08 01
Autograph Letter Signed 1788 10 14
Autograph Letter Signed 1797 12 06
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
BALDWIN, FRANK DWIGHT (1842-1923) Union Officer – 19th Michigan Infantry; U.S. Army Brigadier General – Spanish-American War; Twice awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor
# baldwinfrankdwight
BALDWIN, JOHN BROWN (1820-73) Confederate Congressman – Virginia - 1862-65
# baldwinjohnbrown
BALDWIN,WILLIAM EDWIN (1827-64) Confederate Brigadier General - Mississippi
# baldwinwilliamedwin
Document Signed 1859 05 12
Endorsement Signed
BALLIER, JOHN F. (1815-93) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 21st & 98th Pennsylvania Infantries; Member of the Military Commission which tried Confederate Captain Henry Wirz, Commandant of Andersonville
# ballierjohnf
Signature and rank
BALLIER, JOHN F. (1815-93) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 21st & 98th Pennsylvania Infantries; Member of the Military Commission which Tried Confederate Captain Henry Wirz - Commandant of Andersonville
# ballierjohnf