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McPHERSON, JAMES BIRDSEYE (1828-64) Union Major General; Killed-in-Action during the Battle of Atlanta – July 22, 1864

# mcphersonjamesbirdseye

McPHERSON, JOHN B. (1789-1858) Prominent Citizen & Cashier of the Bank of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania – 1814-58; Father of Edward McPherson, on whose farm the Battle of Gettysburg began – July 1, 1863

# mcphersonjohnb

McQUEEN, JOHN (1804-67) Confederate Congressman – South Carolina –1862-64; U.S. Representative – South Carolina – 1849-60

# mcqueenjohn

McRAE, COLIN JOHN (1812-77) Confederate Congressman – Alabama – 1861-62; Confederate States Financial Agent in Europe – 1862-65

# mcraecolinjohn

McRAE, JOHN JONES (1815-68) Confederate Congressman – Mississippi – 1862-64; U.S. Senator – Mississippi – 1851-52; Governor of Mississippi – 1854-58; U.S. Representative – Mississippi - 1858-61

# mcraejohnjones

McRUER, DONALD CAMPBELL (1826-98) U.S. Congressman – California – 1865-67

# mcreurdc

McVICKER, JAMES HUBERT (1822-96) American Actor; Opened McVicker’s Theater in Chicago, Illinois, 1857

# mcvickerjameshubert

MEAD, SAMUEL H. Father of World-Renowned Naturalist, Entomologist & Horticulturist Theodore Luqueer Mead

# meadsamuelh

MEADE, GEORGE GORDON (1815-72) Union Major General; Commanded the Union Army of the Potomac from Gettysburg to Appomattox; Veteran of the Second Seminole & Mexican Wars

# meadegeorgegordon

MEADE, GEORGE, JR. (1843-97) Union Officer in the 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry - Rush’s Lancers; Son of Union General George G. Meade, on whose staff he served during the American Civil War

# meadegeorgejr

MEAGHER, THOMAS FRANCIS (1823-67) Union Brigadier General - New York; Governor of Montana Territory – 1865-66

# meagherthomasfrancis

MEANS, JOHN HUGH (1812-62) Confederate Colonel – 17th South Carolina Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Second Manassas – September 1, 1862; Governor of South Carolina – 1850-52

# meansjohnhugh

MEDILL, JOSEPH (1823-99) Canadian-Born Journalist; Editor of the Chicago Tribune; Mayor of Chicago – 1871-73

# medilljoseph

MEEKER, ARTHUR BURR (1835-1901) Successful Iron & Steel Merchant in Chicago, Illinois

# meekerarthurburr

MEIGS, JOSIAH (1757-1822) American Academic, Journalist, and Government Official; First Acting President of the University of Georgia in Athens – 1801-10; Appointed Commissioner of the U.S. General Land Office - 1814

# meigsjosiah

MEIGS, MONTGOMERY CUNNINGHAM (1816-92) Union Brigadier & Quartermaster General

# meigsmontgomerycunningham

MEIGS, RETURN JONATHAN, JR. (1764-1825) U.S. Postmaster General – 1814-23; Governor of Ohio – 1810-14; U.S Senator – Ohio – 1808-10; Namesake of Meigs County, Ohio

# meigsreturnjonathanjr

MEIGS, RETURN JONATHAN, SR. (1740-1823) American Revolution War, Colonel in the Continental Army; Pioneer & early settler of Ohio, in the Northwest Territory; U.S. Indian Agent to the Cherokee Nation in southeastern Tennessee – 1801-13

# meigsreturnjonathansr

MELLON, ANDREW WILLIAM (1855-1937) American Banker, Industrialist, & Philanthropist; U.S. Treasury Secretary – 1921-32

# mellonandrewwilliam

MELVILLE, HERMAN (1819-91) American Writer, best known for “Moby Dick” and “Typee”

# melvilleherman
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