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McKENNAN, THOMAS McKEAN THOMPSON (1794-1852) U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1831-39 & 1842-43; U.S. Secretary of the Interior - 1850

# mckennanthomasmckeanthompson

McKIBBIN, DAVID BELL (1831-90) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Colonel – 158th & 214th Pennsylvania Infantries; Veteran of the Mexican War

# mckibbindavidbell

McKIBBIN, GILBERT HUNT (1835-1920) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# mckibbingilberthunt

McKINLEY, WILLIAM (1843-1901) Twenty-Fifth U.S. President - 1897-1901; Governor of Ohio – 1892-96; U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1877-91; Union Brevet Major – 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry

# mckinleywilliam

McKINSTRY, JUSTUS (1814-97) Union Brigadier General; Early-war Provost Marshal in St. Louis, Missouri; Dismissed from the service after conviction for graft, corruption, and fraud; Veteran of the Mexican & Seminole Wars

# mckinstryjustus

McLANAHAN, JAMES XAVIER (1809-61) U.S. Representative – Pennsylvania – 1849-53

# mclanahanjamesxavier

McLANE, LOUIS (1786-1857) U.S. Treasury Secretary – 1831-33; U.S. Secretary of State – 1833-34; U.S. Congressman & Senator – Delaware – 1817-29

# mclanelouis

McLAUGHLEN, NAPOLEON BONAPARTE (1823-87) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 1st & 57th Massachusetts Infantries

# mclaughlennapoleonbonaparte

McLAURIN, JOHN LOWNDES (1860-1934) U.S. Senator – South Carolina - 1897-1903; U.S. Representative – South Carolina - 1892-97

# mclaurinjohnlowndes

McLAWS, LAFAYETTE (1821-97) Confederate Major General – Georgia; Veteran of the Mexican & Utah Wars

# mclawslafayette

McLEAN, GEORGE P. (?-?) Confederate Officer – William Wirt Adams’ Cavalry Regiment

# mcleangp

McLEAN, JOHN (1785-1861) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1829-61; U.S. Postmaster General – 1823-29; U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1813-16

# mcleanjohn

McLEAN, NATHANIEL COLLINS (1815-1905) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 75th Ohio Infantry

# mcleannathanielcollins

McMAHON, MARTIN THOMAS (1838-1906) Canadian-born Union Brevet Major General, served on the staff of General George B. McClellan; Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of White Oak Swamp, Virginia – June 30, 1862

# mcmahonmartinthomas

McMASTER, FITZ WILLIAM (1826-99) Confederate Colonel – 17th South Carolina Infantry; Mayor of Columbia, South Carolina – 1890-92

# mcmasterfitzwilliam

McMILLAN, JAMES WINNING (1825-1903) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# mcmillanjameswinning

McMULLEN, LAFAYETTE (1805-80) Confederate Congressman – Virginia – 1864-65; Governor of Washington Territory – 1857-59

# mcmullenlafayette

McNEIL, JOHN (1813-91) Union Brigadier General – Missouri; Commander of the District of Northeast Missouri, Most remembered for his role in the Palmyra Massacre

# mcneiljohn

McNEILL, JAMES HIPKINS (1825-65) Confederate Colonel – 63rd North Carolina Infantry; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Dinwiddie Court House, Virginia – March 31, 1865

# mcneilljameshipkins

McPHERSON, EDWARD (1830-95) Owner of “McPherson’s Farm” – site of the opening engagement of the Battle of Gettysburg; U.S. Congressman - Pennsylvania – 1859-63; Served several terms as the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives

# mcphersone
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