Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
McCOY, THOMAS FRANKLIN (1819-99) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 107th Pennsylvania Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War
# mccoythomasfranklin
Signature no place no date
McCRADY, EDWARD, JR. (1833-1903) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 1st South Carolina Infantry; South Carolina State Representative – 1880-86 & 1888-90
# mccradyedwardjr
McCREA, SAMUEL HARKNESS (1826-?) Chicago, Illinois Businessman & Grain Merchant; Elected President of the Chicago Board of Trade - 1870
# mccraesamuelharkness
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
McCULLOCH, BENJAMIN (1811-62) Confederate Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas – March 7, 1862
# mccullochbenjamin
Signature & Rank
McCULLOCH, HENRY EUSTACE (1816-95) Confederate Brigadier General; Served in the Texas Revolution & Mexican War
# mccullochhenryeustace
McCULLOCH, HUGH (1808-95) U.S. Treasury Secretary – 1865-69 & 1884-85
# mccullochhugh
Document Signed 1865 08 17 Hannibal Hamlin appointment with President Andrew Johnson
Letter Signed 1868 05 14
Signature affixed to an engraving
Signature affixed to an album page
Document Signed portion
Autograph Letter Signed 1872 04 26
McCULLOCH, ROBERT (1820-1905) Confederate Colonel – 2nd Missouri Cavalry
# mccullochrobert
Document Signed 1863 11 24 with Stephen Dill Lee & James R Chalmers
Document Signed 1864 05 16 with Nathan Bedford Forrest & James R Chalmers
McDANIEL, HENRY DICKERSON (1836-1926) Confederate Officer – 11th Georgia Infantry; Governor of Georgia – 1883-86
# mcdanielhenrydickerson
McDOWELL, IRVIN (1818-85) Union Major General; Commander of the Union Army at the Battle of First Bull Run; Veteran of the Mexican War
# mcdowellirvin
Document Signed 1847 04 16
Signature & Rank 1883 05 24
Signature & Rank no place no date
McDOWELL, JOSEPH JEFFERSON (1800-77) U.S. Representative - Ohio – 1843-47
# mcdowelljosephjefferson
Signature as US Congressman
McGINNIS, GEORGE FRANCIS (1826-1910) Union Brigadier General; Lieutenant Colonel of the 11th Indiana Infantry; Veteran of the Mexican War; Appointed Postmaster of Indianapolis, Indiana - 1900
# mcginnisgeorgefrancis
Signature & Rank
McGOWAN, SAMUEL (1819-97) Confederate Brigadier General
# mcgowansamuel
Signature & Rank
McGUIRE, HUNTER HOLMES (1835-1900) American Physician; Confederate Army Doctor & Surgeon, attended General Thomas J. Jackson at the time of his Death
# mcguirehunterholmes
Printed facsimile signature
McINTOSH, JOHN BAILLIE (1829-88) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry; Veteran of the Mexican War
# mcintoshjohnbaillie
Autograph Endorsement Signed
McINTOSH, LACHLAN (1725-1806) American Revolutionary War, Brigadier General in the Continental Army; Mortally wounded Declaration of Independence Signer Button Gwinnett in a duel on May 16, 1777
# mcintoshlachlan
Autograph Letter Signed 1788 09 22 (1)
Autograph Letter Signed 1788 09 22 (2)
Autograph Document Signed 1798
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
McKEAN, THOMAS (1734-1817) Signer of the Declaration of Independence & The Articles of Confederation; President of the Continental Congress – 1781; President of Delaware – 1777; Governor of Pennsylvania – 1799-1808
# mckeanthomas
Printed facsimile signature on an engraving
McKEAN, THOMAS JEFFERSON (1810-70) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars; Elected Mayor of Marion, Iowa - 1865
# mckeanthomasjefferson
Signature & Rank
McKEE, GEORGE COLIN (1837-90) Union Officer – 11th Illinois Infantry; U.S. Representative – Mississippi – 1870-75; Postmaster of Jackson, Mississippi – 1881-85
# mckeegeorgecolin
McKEEVER, CHAUNCEY (1829-1901) Union Brevet Brigadier General
# mckeeverchauncey
Autograph Letter Signed 1862 04 16
Signature from a letter
McKENNA, JOSEPH (1843-1926) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice – 1898-1925; U.S. Attorney General – 1897-98; U.S. Congressman – California – 1885-92
# mckennajoseph
Signed Card
Signed Card
Autograph Letter Signed 1908 06 16