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McCARTHY, JOSEPH R. (1908-57) U.S. Senator - Wisconsin - 1947-57

# mccarthyjosephr

McCAUSLAND, JOHN, JR. (1836-1927) Confederate Brigadier General

# mccauslandjohnjr

McCAUSLEN, WILLIAM COCHRANE (1796-1863) Served in the Mexican War; Law Partner of Edwin M. Stanton; U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1843-45

# mccauslenwilliamcochrane

McCLELLAN, GEORGE BRINTON (1826-85) Union Major General during the American Civil War; U.S. Presidential Candidate – 1864; Governor of New Jersey – 1878-81

# mcclellangeorgebrinton

McCLELLAN, GEORGE BRINTON, JR. (1865-1940) American Politician & Historian; U.S. Representative – New York – 1895-1903; Mayor of New York City – 1904-09; Son of Union Civil War General George Brinton McClellan

# mcclellangeorgebrintonjr

McCLELLAN, HENRY BRAINERD (1840-1904) Confederate Cavalry Officer, served on the staffs of Generals Jeb Stuart & Wade Hampton

# mcclellanhenrybrainerd

McCLELLAND, ROBERT (1807-80) U.S. Interior Secretary – 1853-57; Governor of Michigan – 1851-53; U.S. Congressman – Michigan – 1843-49

# mcclellandrobert

McCLERNAND, JOHN ALEXANDER (1812-1900) Union Major General; U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1843-51 & 1859-61

# mcclernandjohnalexander

McCLURE, DANIEL (1824-1900) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Secretary of State of Indiana – 1856-58

# mccluredaniel

McCOMB, WILLIAM (1828-1918) Confederate Brigadier General - Tennessee

# mccombwilliam

McCOOK, ALEXANDER McDOWELL (1831-1903) Union Major General; Colonel of the 1st Ohio Infantry; Veteran of the western Indian Wars

# mccookalexandermcdowell

McCOOK, ANSON GEORGE (1835-1917) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 2nd Ohio Infantry; U.S. Representative – Ohio – 1877-83

# mccookansongeorge

McCOOK, CHARLES MORRIS (1842-61) Union Soldier during the American Civil War; Mortally wounded at the Battle of First Bull Run - July 21, 1861

# mccookcharlesmorris

McCOOK, DANIEL, JR. (1834-64) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 52nd Ohio Infantry; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia – June 27, 1864

# mccookdanieljr

From Colonel McCook's address to his men, before the assault on Kennesaw Mountain:

Then out spake brave Horatius,
          The Captain of the Gate:
     "To every man upon this earth
          Death cometh soon or late.
     And how can man die better
          Than facing fearful odds,
     For the ashes of his fathers,
          And the temples of his gods.

McCOOK, DANIEL, SR. (1798-1863) Union Officer; Died of wounds received in action against Confederate General John Hunt Morgan’s raid into southern Ohio – July 21, 1863

# mccookdanielsr

McCOOK, EDWARD MOODY (1833-1909) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 2nd Indiana Cavalry; Governor of the Colorado Territory – 1869-75

# mccookedwardmoody

McCOOK, ROBERT LATIMER (1827-62) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 9th Ohio Infantry; Killed-in-Action near Huntsville, Alabama – August 6, 1862

# mccookrobertlatimer

McCORMACK, JOHN FRANCIS (1884-1945) Irish Tenor

# mccormaackjohnfrancis

McCORMICK, CYRUS H. (1809-84) American Inventor & Businessman; Founder of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, later to become the International Harvester Company

# mccormickcyrush

McCOWN, JOHN PORTER (1815-79) Confederate Brigadier General - Tennessee

# mccownjohnporter
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