Compiled from records which have been diligently studied over the centuries, AUTHENTIC AUTOGRAPH RESOURCES is the foremost comprehensive on-line source for research and authentication of manuscripts from all fields of human endeavor. Pricing and valuation information is not provided, nor are any of the illustrated items available for sale. As a scholarly work in progress, recently discovered exemplars are being added regularly.
MAUPERTUIS, PIERRE LOUIS MOREAU DE (1698-1759) French Mathematician & Philosopher
# maupertuispierrelouismoreaude
Autograph Letter Signed
MAURY, DABNEY HERNDON (1822-1900) Confederate Major General; Veteran of the Mexican War
# maurydabneyherndon
Document Signed 1862 08 02
Endorsement Signed 1862 10 28
Signature & Confederate Rank
Signed Card
MAURY, JEAN-SIFREIN (1746-1817) French Cardinal; Archbishop of Paris – 1810-14
# mauryjeansafrein
Autograph Letter Signed 1806 03 29
MAURY, MATTHEW FONTAINE (1806-73) American Historian & Oceanographer; U.S. Navy Officer – Superintendent of the Naval Observatory; Confederate States Navy Commander – 1861-65
# maurymatthewfontaine
Autograph Letter Signed 1840 01 15
Autograph Letter Signed 1854 02 25
MAXEY, SAMUEL BELL (1825-95) Confederate Brigadier General; U.S. Senator – Texas – 1875-87
# maxeysamuelbell
Document Signed portion 1863 03 02
Document Signed 1865 05 08
Signed Album Page as US Senator from Texas
MAXWELL, AUGUSTUS EMMET (1820-1903) Confederate Senator – Florida – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Florida – 1853-57
# maxwellaugustusemmet
MAXWELL, JOHN PATTERSON BRYAN (1804-45) U.S. Representative – New Jersey – 1837-39 & 1841-43
# maxwelljohnpattersonbryan
Signed Album Page as US Congressman circa 1840 with others
MAY, DOROTHY (1597-1620) Wife of Plymouth Colony Founder William Bradford
# mayd
Document Signed 1613
MAYNADIER, HENRY EVELETH (1830-68) Union Brevet Major General; Served on the Raynalds Expedition, exploring and mapping the Yellowstone River region of Montana & Wyoming
# maynadierhenryeveleth
Signature from a document
MAYNADIER, WILLIAM (1807-71) Union Brevet Brigadier General
# maynadierwilliam
Signature from a letter
MAYNARD, JOHN (?-1850) U.S. Representative – New York – 1827-29 & 1841-43
# maynardjohn
Signed Album Page as US Representative circa 1840 with Millard Fillmore & others
MAYO, CHARLES H. (1865-1939) American Doctor; Co-Founder of the Mayo Clinic
# mayocharlesh
Signed Card
Signature from a typed letter
McADOO, WILLIAM G. (1863-1941) U.S. Treasury Secretary – 1913-18; Son-in-Law of Woodrow Wilson; U.S. Senator – California – 1933-38
# mcadoowilliamg
Signed Card 1937
McARTHUR, DUNCAN (1772-1839) U.S. Army Brigadier General during the War of 1812; Governor of Ohio – 1830-32; U.S Representative – Ohio – 1823-25
# mcarthurduncan
Autograph Letter Signed 1824 11 08
Autograph Letter Signed 1824 11 08 franked address panel
McARTHUR, JOHN (1826-1906) Scottish-born Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 12th Illinois Infantry
# mcarthurjohn
Endorsement Signed with Rank
McAULIFFE, ANTHONY CLEMENT (1898-1975) U.S. Army General, most remembered for defending Bastogne, Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge in World War II
# mcauliffeanthonyclement
Inscribed Signed Photograph
McBRIDE, ANDREW JACKSON (1836-1922) Confederate Colonel – 10th Georgia Infantry
# mcbrideandrewjackson
McCALL, GEORGE ARCHIBALD (1802-68) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Second Seminole & Mexican Wars
# mccallgeorgearchibald
Endorsement Signed with Rank
McCALLUM, JAMES (1806-89) Confederate Congressman – Tennessee – 1864-65
# mccallumjames
McCARTHY, CORMAC (b. 1933) American Writer
# mccarthycormac
Signed Book 2005