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MARSHALL, HENRY (1805-64) Confederate Congressman – Louisiana – 1861-64

# marshallhenry

MARSHALL, HUMPHREY (1812-72) Confederate Brigadier General – Kentucky; Confederate Congressman; U.S. Congressman – 1849-52 & 1855-59

# marshallh

MARSHALL, THOMAS R. (1854-1925) U.S. Vice President – 1913-21; Governor of Indiana – 1909-13

# marshallthomasr

MARSTON, GILMAN (1811-90) Union Brigadier General - New Hampshire; U.S. Congressman – New Hampshire – 1859-63 & 1865-67; U.S. Senator – New Hampshire - 1889

# marstongilman

MARTIN, CHARLES H. (1863-1946) Governor of Oregon – 1935-39; U.S. Congressman – Oregon – 1931-35

# martincharlesh

MARTIN, JAMES GREEN (1819-78) Confederate Brigadier General – North Carolina

# martinjamesgreen

MARTIN, WILLIAM THOMPSON (1823-1910) Confederate Major General; Post-war President of the Natchez, Jackson, and Columbus Railroad

# martinwilliamthompson

MARTINDALE, JOHN HENRY (1815-81) Union Brigadier General; Military Governor of Washington, D.C. – 1862-64

# martindalejohnhenry

MARTINEAU, HARRIET (1802-76) English Writer & Social Theorist

# martineauharriet

MARX, KARL (1818-83) German Political Theorist, Writer, and Social Revolutionary

# marxkarl

MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS, MARY STUART, MARY I OF SCOTLAND (1542-87) Queen of Scotland - 1542-67; Executed in London, February 8, 1587

# maryI

MASON GEORGE (1725-92) American Statesman; Delegate to the Constitutional Convention

# masongeorge

MASON, JAMES MURRAY (1798-1871) Confederate Congressman – 1861-62; Confederate Commissioner to France & England; U.S. Senator – Virginia – 1847-61; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1837-39

# masonjamesmurray

MASON, JOHN CALVIN (1802-65) U.S. Representative - Kentucky – 1849-53 & 1857-59; Served with Texas State Confederate Troops during the American Civil War

# masonjc

MASON, JOHN SANFORD (1824-97) Union Brigadier General; Veteran of the Mexican War

# masonjohnsanford

MASON, JOHN YOUNG (1799-1859) U.S. Navy Secretary – 1844-45 & 1846-49; U.S. Attorney General – 1845-46; U.S. Representative – Virginia – 1831-37

# masonjohnyoung

MATHEWS, JAMES (1805-87) Civil War Provost Marshal – 1861-65; U.S. Congressman – Ohio – 1841-45; Postmaster of Knoxville, Iowa – 1869-70

# mathewsjames

MATHEWS, JOSEPH ARD (1826-73) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 205th Pennsylvania Infantry

# mathewsjosephard

MATHEY, EDWARD GUSTAVE (1837-1915) U.S. Army Officer – Captain in the 7th Cavalry, participated in the hilltop fight during the Battle of the Little Big Horn; Union Civil War Officer - Major in the 81st Indiana Infantry

# matheyedwardgustave

MAUPEOU, RENE NICOLAS CHARLES AUGUSTIN DE (1714-92) Chancellor of France – 1768-90

# maupeourenenicolascharlesaugustinde
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