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MANET, EDOUARD (1832-83) French Modernist Painter

# manetedouard

MANEY, GEORGE EARL (1826-1901) Confederate Brigadier General – Tennessee; Post-war railroad executive & U.S. Diplomat

# maneygeorgeearl

MANIGAULT, ARTHUR MIDDLETON (1824-86) Confederate Brigadier General – South Carolina

# manigaultarthurmiddleton

MANN, JOB (1795-1873) U.S. Congressman – Pennsylvania – 1835-37 & 1847-51

# mannj

MANN, ORRIN LORENTNA (1833-1908) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Union Lieutenant Colonel – 39th Illinois Infantry

# mannorrinlorenta

MANNING, JOHN LAURENCE (1816-89) Confederate Colonel, served on the staff of General Wade Hampton; Governor of South Carolina – 1852-54

# manningjohnlaurence

MANOUCHIAN, MISSAK (1906-44) French-Armenian Poet, Communist Activist, and Survivor of the Armenian Genocide; Military leader in the French Resistance in Paris during World War II; Executed by the Nazis in Fort Mont-Valérien on February 21, 1944

# manouchianm

MANSFIELD, JAYNE (1933-67) American Actress

# mansfieldjayne

MANSFIELD, JOSEPH KING FENNO (1803-62) Union Major General – Connecticut; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Antietam – September 18, 1862; Veteran of the Mexican War

# mansfieldjosephkingfenno

MANSON, MAHLON DICKERSON (1820-95) Union Brigadier General; U.S. Representative – Indiana – 1871-73

# mansonmahlondickerson

MARCY, RANDOLPH BARNES (1812-87) Union Brigadier General; Father-in-Law of Union General George B. McClellan; Veteran of the Black Hawk, Mexican, and Utah Wars

# marcyrandolphbarnes

MARIA THERESA (1717-80) Ruler of Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia; Holy Roman Empress – 1745-65

# mariatheresa

MARION, FRANCIS (1732-95) American Revolutionary War, Lieutenant Colonel in the Continental Army; Brigadier General of South Carolina State Troops, known as the “Swamp Fox”

# marionfrancis

MARIOTTE, EDME (1620-84) French Physicist & Priest

# mariottee

MARMADUKE, JOHN SAPPINGTON (1833-87) Confederate Major General; Governor of Missouri – 1885-87

# marmadukejohnsappington

MARR, JOHN QUINCY (1825-61) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel – 17th Virginia Cavalry; First Confederate killed by a Union soldier in combat during the American Civil War – June 1,1861

# marrjohnquincy

MARSH, GEORGE P. (1801-82) U.S. Congressman – Vermont – 1843-49; Appointed Minister to Italy by President Abraham Lincoln – 1861-82

# marshgeorgep

MARSH, HERBERT, LORD BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH (1757-1839) British Clergyman; Bishop of Llandiff – 1816-19; Bishop of Peterborough – 1819-39

# marshherbertlordbishopofpeterborough

MARSHALL, CHARLES (1830-1902) Confederate Lieutenant Colonel, served on the staff of Robert E. Lee

# marshallcharles

MARSHALL, ELISHA GAYLORD (1829-83) Union Brevet Major General; Union Colonel – 13th New York Infantry & 14th New York Heavy Artillery

# marshallelishagaylord
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