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LOWRY, ROBERT (1829-1910) Confederate Brigadier General; Governor of Mississippi - 1882-90

# lowryrobert

LUBBOCK, FRANCIS RICHARD (1815-1905) Governor of Texas – 1861-63

# lubbockfrancisrichard

LUCAS, WILLIAM (1800-77) U.S. Congressman – Virginia – 1839-41 & 1843-45

# lucaswilliam

LUCE, STEPHEN BLEECKER (1827-1917) U.S. Navy Rear Admiral; Founder & First President of the Naval War College – 1884-86; Civil War Service with the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron

# lucestephenbleecker

LUCIANO, CHARLES "LUCKY" (1897-1962) Italian-born American Gangster

# lucianocharles

LUCIUS III (circa 1097-1185) Italian-born Pope – 1181-85

# luciusIII

LUDINGTON, MARSHALL INDEPENDENCE (1839-1919) Union Officer; Veteran of the western Indian Wars & the Spanish-American War; U.S. Army Major General

# ludingtonmarshallludington

LUDLAM, REUBEN (1831-99) Prominent Physician in Chicago, Illinois; Born in Camden, New Jersey

# ludlamreuben

LYLE, PETER (1821-79) Union Brevet Brigadier General

# lylepeter

LYON, FRANCIS STROTHER (1800-82) Confederate Congressman – Alabama – 1862-65; U.S. Representative – Alabama – 1835-39

# lyonfrancisstrother

LYON, HYLAN BENTON (1836-1907) Confederate Brigadier General - Kentucky

# lyonhylanbenton

LYON, LUCIUS (1800-51) U.S. Senator – Michigan – 1837-39; U.S. Representative – Michigan – 1843-45; Delegate to the U.S. Congress – Michigan Territory – 1833-35

# lyonlucius

LYON, NATHANIEL (1818-61) Union Brigadier General; Killed-in-Action at the Battle of Wilson’s Creek, Missouri - August 10, 1861; Veteran of the Seminole & Mexican Wars

# lyonnathaniel

LYTLE, WILLIAM HAINES (1826-63) Union Brigadier General; Colonel of the 10th Ohio Infantry; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Chickamauga – September 20, 1863

# lytlewilliamhaines

MABILLON, JEAN (1632-1707) French Benedictine Monk & Scholar

# mabillonjean

MacARTHUR, ARTHUR, JR. (1845-1912) Union Lieutenant – 24th Wisconsin Infantry; Veteran of the Spanish-American War; U.S. Lieutenant General; Military Governor of the Philippines – 1900-01; Father of World War II-era General Douglas MacArthur

# macarthurarthurjr

Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action at the Battle of Missionary Ridge, Tennessee – November 25, 1863

MacDONALD, JOHN A. (1815-91) First Prime Minister of Canada – 1867-73 & 1878-91

# macdonaldjohn

MacDOUGALL, CLINTON DUGALD (1839-1914) Union Brevet Brigadier General; U.S. Congressman – New York – 1873-77

# macdougallclintondugald

MACE, DANIEL (1811-67) U.S. Congressman – Indiana – 1855-57; Postmaster of Lafayette, Indiana – 1866-67

# ,acedaniel

MacFARLAND, WILLIAM HAMILTON (1799-1872) Confederate Congressman – Virginia – 1861-62

# macfarlandwilliamhamilton
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