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3407 Items.  Showing Items 1981 thru 2000.
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LONG, ARMISTEAD LINDSAY (1825-91) Confederate Brigadier General - Virginia

# longarmisteadlindsay

LONG, ELI (1837-1903) Union Brigadier General

# longeli

LONGSTREET, HELEN DORTCH (1863-1962) American Social Advocate & Newspaper Woman; Wife of Confederate General James Longstreet

# longstreethelendortch

LONGSTREET, JAMES (1821-1904) Confederate Lieutenant General – South Carolina

# longstreetjames

LOOMIS, HUBBEL (1775-1872) Prominent Clergyman in Alton, Illinois

# loomishubbel

LOOMIS, SILAS LAURENCE (1822-96) A Founder, Professor of Chemistry, and Dean of the Medical School at Howard University

# loomissilaslaurence

LORING, WILLIAM WING (1818-86) Confederate Major General – Florida

# loringwilliamwing

LOUIS XI (1423-83) King of France - 1461-83

# louisXIoffrance

LOUIS XII (1462-1515) King of France - 1498-1515

# louisXIIoffrance

LOUIS XIII (1601-43) King of France - 1610-43

# louisXIIIoffrance

LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) King of France – 1643-1715

# louisXIVoffrance

LOUIS XV (1710-74) King of France – 1715-74

# louisXV

LOUIS XVI (1754-93) Last King of France – 1774-92; Executed by guillotine in Paris on January 21, 1793

# louisXVI

LOUVERTURE, TOUSSAINT (1743-1803) Haitian General & Revolutionary Leader

# louverturetoussaint

LOVEJOY, ELIJAH PARISH (1802-37) American Presbyterian Minister & Abolitionist Newspaper Editor; Brother of Owen Lovejoy; Murdered by a pro-slavery mob in Alton, Illinois on November 7, 1837

# lovejoyelijahparish

LOVEJOY, OWEN (1811-64) U.S. Representative – Illinois – 1857-64; Abolitionist Leader; Brother of Elijah Parish Lovejoy; Close friend of Abraham Lincoln

# lovejoyowen

LOVELL, CHARLES SWAIN (1811-71) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Veteran of the Second Seminole & Mexican Wars

# lovellcharlesswain

LOVELL, FREDERICK SOLON (1813-78) Union Brevet Brigadier General; Colonel of the 46th Wisconsin Infantry

# lovellfredericksolon

LOVELL, MANSFIELD (1822-84) Confederate Major General – Maryland

# lovellmansfield

LOWREY, MARK PERRIN (1828-85) Confederate Brigadier General

# lowrymarkperrin
3407 Items.  Showing Items 1981 thru 2000.
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