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ABBOT, HOWARD S. (1843-?) Union Lieutenant – 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

# abbothowards

ABBOTT & COSTELLO American Comedy Duo

# abbottandcostello

ABBOTT, AMOS (1786-1868) U.S. Congressman – Massachusetts – 1843-49; A Founder of the Boston & Portland Railway

# abbottamos

ABBOTT, CHARLES, BARON TENTERDEN (1762-1832) Lord Chief Justice of the King’s Bench – 1818-32

# abbottcharles

ABBOTT, JOSEPH C. (1825-81) Brevetted Union Brigadier General for the Capture of Fort Fisher; Union Colonel – 7th New Hampshire Infantry

# abbottjosephc

ABBOTT, LYMAN J. (1835-1922) American Congregationalist Theologian, Editor, and Author

# abbottlymanj

ABBOTT, RHODA MARY (1873-1946) Only surviving female passenger who went down with the RMS Titanic

# abbottrhodamary

ABEL, ORAMEL H. (1834-1904) Union Lieutenant - 114th Illinois Infantry; City Clerk of Springfield, Illinois

# abeloramelh

ABERCROMBIE, JOHN JOSEPH (1798-1877) Union Brigadier General

# abercrombiejohnjoseph

ABERCROMBIE, LASCELLES (1881-1938) English Poet & Critic

# abercrombiel

ABERCROMBY, RALPH (1734-1801) Lieutenant General in the British Army, served in the Seven Years’ War and the French Revolutionary Wars; Mortally wounded at the Battle of Alexandria, died March 28, 1801; Governor of Trinidad – 1797

# abercrombyralph

ABERNETHY, JOHN (1764-1831) English Surgeon

# abernethyjohn

ACOSTA, JOSEPH (José) de (1539 or 1540-1600) Spanish Jesuit Missionary & Naturalist in Latin America

# acostajd

ADAMS, ABIGAIL (1744-1818) U.S. First Lady – 1797-1801; Wife of U.S. President John Adams

# adamsabigail

ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, III (1866-1954) U.S. Navy Secretary – 1929-33; Grandson of John Quincy Adams; Great-Grandson of John Adams

# adamscfIII

ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, JR. (1835-1915) American Author & Historian; Union Brevet Brigadier General & Colonel – 5th Massachusetts Colored Volunteer Cavalry during the American Civil War

# adamscfjr

Son of Charles Francis Adams; Grandson of John Quincy Adams; Great-Grandson of John Adams

ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, SR. (1807-86) American Author & Diplomat; U.S. Representative – Massachusetts – 1859-61; Appointed U.S. Minister to England by President Lincoln – 1861-68; Son of President John Quincy Adams; Grandson of President John Adams

# adamscfsr

ADAMS, CHARLES HENRY (1824-1902) U.S. Congressman – New York – 1875-77; First Mayor of Cohoes, New York – 1870-72

# adamsch

ADAMS, DANIEL WEISIGER (1821-72) Confederate Brigadier General

# adamsdanielweisiger

ADAMS, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1801-29) American Attorney & Politician; Eldest Son of President John Quincy Adams

# adamsgeorgewashington
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